24–27 Jan 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Moving sciebo to kubernetes: Lessons learned and practical considerations for productive workloads

24 Jan 2022, 10:30
Presentation CS3 Community Site Reports Site Reports


Marcel Wunderlich


At Sciebo we migrated the first half of our productive ownCloud instances, serving over 200k customers across the state of North Rhine Westphalia at universitary institutions, to our new on-premise kubernetes platform.
Last year we presented an overview of the rough architecture of the platform and promised some more insights for this year's CS3. ;-)
In this presentation we
- give a quick reminder consisting of little lies how to conceptualize all this kubernetes stuff
- discuss some choices we made in regard to our tooling
- mention some patterns and anti patterns we identified in the wild
- some practices and mantras that served us well
- address the elephant in the room and talk about some things we did roll on our own in order to move our already existing services to the cloud
- the road ahead


Holger Angenent (University of Münster) Marcel Wunderlich

Presentation materials