8:45 AM
--- Good Morning Coffee ---
9:00 AM
Decentralized Web and Storage Architectures
Guido Aben
(until 9:36 AM)
9:00 AM
Solid storage and pod migration [CANCELLED]
Yvo Brevoort
9:01 AM
ABEBox: end-to-end encryption for file sharing cloud services
- Dr
Lorenzo Bracciale
(University of Rome "Tor Vergata")
9:21 AM
Is EOS ready for enterprise companies?
Gregor Molan
9:36 AM
User Stories
(until 10:00 AM)
9:36 AM
CERNBox User Forum: Ultimate Engagement with Users
Hugo Gonzalez Labrador
10:00 AM
--- Coffe Break ---
10:15 AM
User Stories
Ron Trompert
(until 11:15 AM)
10:15 AM
“Find the needle in the haystack”: how log monitoring, analyze and error handling can be done with SeaTable.
Christoph Dyllick-Brenzinger
10:35 AM
ownCloud Web UI: Lessons learned from implementing accessibility
Tobias Baader
10:55 AM
Using Workflows for Data Preservation Using Onedata
- Dr
Lukasz Dutka
(ACC Cyfronet AGH)
11:15 AM
--- Coffe Break ---
11:30 AM
Technology for Application Integration
Hugo Gonzalez Labrador
(until 12:30 PM)
11:30 AM
ownCloud WOPI Proxy for O365
Mark Carioscio
11:50 AM
Finding an optimal approach to enabling document collaboration with ONLYOFFICE Docs in integrated environments: interoperability, decentralization and limitations
Mikhail Korotaev
12:10 PM
integrate applications with the application provider
Willy Kloucek