CS3 2022 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing
CS3 2022 event is part of the CS3 conference series.
This is an online event jointly organized by:
Logistic information
Instructions for participants and speakers
Access GatherTown - User Guide
Practical information for the audience and speakers
Questions or comments?
Send email to: cs3-conf2022-iac@cern.ch
General information
The event will take place on ZOOM: make sure you install the native ZOOM client (and not the web interface). Check your AV settings.
ZOOM link will be made available to registered participants only -- check the Videoconference Rooms menu on the left on this page.
The event will be recorded. Recordings will be made publicly available after the event. By registering to this event you agree that your sound and video recordings will be made publicly available.
The audio/video support is kindly provided by CERN IT.
Social gathering at the coffee breaks
All participants and speakers are invited to join the social interaction space (GatherTown). This is an experimental feature -- if it works out nicely on the first day we will extend it to the rest of the conference days.
Access GatherTown - User Guide
Password will be sent to the registered participants only.
The access to GatherTown platform is kindly sponsored by the cs3mesh4eosc.eu project which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 863353.
Speaker information
Presentation duration:
- 10 minutes = 8 min. presentation + 2 min. questions
- 15 minutes = 12 min. presentation + 3 min. questions
- 20 minutes = 15 min. presentation + 5 min. questions
- 30 minutes = 25 min. presentation + 5 min. questions
Timekeeping will be strict!
Before your presentation:
- Upload your slides to this Indico website in advance (pptx or pdf)
- You will present by sharing your computer screen via ZOOM
- Do the technical check with the session convener during the coffee break before your presentation session
- If you prefer to pre-record your presentation, please do so on a publicly accessible service (YouTube) and add the link to your video to your Indico contribution.
After your presentation:
- Go to the social gather platform and meet the participantant in the "LAST SESSION" room
Privacy notice
The Indico conference management website, including the surveys, and videoconferencing facilities are provided by CERN. All sessions are recorded (sound and video) and the recordings will be published after the conference. Personal data collected in these systems are processed according to CERN's rules and policies (OC no 11; Data Privacy Protection Policy; Privacy Notice).
The GatherTown social platform is provided by TRUST-IT according to the General Data Privacy Regulations (GDPR) and this privacy notice.
We are working on a possibility for interested parties to gather in ETH Zurich in person. This will be confirmed on short notice before the event (in January 2022).
Adam Prycki
Adrian Perrig
Agila Durairaj
Alan alanrw
Alberto Pace
Alex Miheev
Alex Unger
Alexander Verkooijen
Alexander Zozulya
Alvaro Fernandez Casani
Andrea Manzi
Andreas Joachim Peters
Andreas Klotz
Andrei Vukolov
Andrii Salnikov
Andy Gotz
Angelo Romasanta
Anna Manou
Anthony Leroy
Antonio Carlos Fernandes Nunes
Antoon Prins
Aritz Brosa Iartza
Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre
Artur Neumann
Aswin Toni
Barbara Martelli
Benedikt Kulmann
Benjamin Walter
Benoit Pauwels
Benoit Pauwels
Benoît Knecht
Birgit Hagley
Bob Jones
Caio Costa
Ceyhun Uzunoglu
Christian Mönch
Christian Scherm
Christian Scherm
Christian Schmitz
Christian Streifer
Christoph Dyllick-Brenzinger
Claudius Laumanns
Cristian Contescu
Damian Bucher
Dan van der Ster
Daniel Mueller
Daniele Kruse
Dario Mapelli
David Antoš
David Christofas
Davide Valsecchi
Dieter Stampfer
Diogo Castro
djamel chekroun
Dmitrii Ermakov
Dordaneh Arangeh
Dries Moreels
Eamonn Maguire
Eduard Jacob
Elias Schneuwly
Elisa de Castro Guerra
Elizaveta Ragozina
Enrico Bocchi
Eugeniusz Pokora
Fabrizio Furano
federica zanardini
Federico Drago
Felix Böhm
Fergus Kerins
Filip Blicharczyk
Filomena Minichiello
Florian Döring
Florian Kaiser
Frank Karlitschek
François Wirz
Frederik Müller
Galina Goduhina
Gianluca Caratsch
Gianmaria Del Monte
Giuseppe Lo Presti
Gonzalo Merino Arevalo
Gozal Ahmadova
Gregor Molan
Guido Aben
Harald Weimer
Hauke Jan Melius
Heinrich Rainer Billich
Holger Angenent
Hugo Gonzalez Labrador
Ian Collier
Ian Johnson
Ignacio Blanquer-Espert
Ignacio Eguinoa
Ignacio Peluaga Lozada
Ines Pinto Pereira Da Cruz
Ingo Ebel
Ishank Arora
Ivan Andrian
Iztok Gregori
Jacek Pawel Kitowski
Jacopo Mariani
Jakub Moscicki
James Walder
Jan Hornicek
Jan Iven
Jan Schill
Jarunan Panyasantisuk
Jason Brudvik
Javier Ferrer
Jean Carlo Faustino
Jean-Marie de Boer
Jimil Dharmesh Desai
Joab De Lang
Joerg Eberwein
Johannes Rundfeldt
Jonathan Tedds
Jonathan Xu
Jorge Camarero Vera
Jos Poortvliet
Jose Carlos Teixeira Junior
João Fernandes
Julian Koberg
Julian-Pascal Oste
Julien Leduc
Juri Hößelbarth
Justin Clark-Casey
Ján Senko
Ján Senko
Jörn Dreyer
Kamil Jarosz
Karsten Asshauer
Katja Heuer
Katrin Giza
Klaas Freitag
Klaus Steinberger
Krzysztof Dudek
Krzysztof Wadówka
Krzysztof Wadówka
Lohi Omo-Ezomo
Lorenzo Bracciale
Luciano Fernandes da Rocha
Luigi Colucci
Luis Domingues
Luiz Coelho
Lydie Echernier
Maciej Brzezniak
Marc Rodrigues
Marcel Wunderlich
Marcin Sieprawski
Marco De Simone
Mari Kleemola
Maria Dimou
Maria Giuffrida
Maria Giuffrida
Marialetizia Mari
Marica Antonacci
Marina Papathanasiou
Mario Lassnig
Mark Carioscio
Mark Saron
Mark van de Sanden
Martin Barisits
Martin Gasthuber
Martin Golasowski
Martin Rajsp
Martin St
Massimo Lamanna
Mathias Chapelain
Mathias Tauber
Matthias Leander-Knoll
Melanie Wegener
Michael Alexander D'Silva
Michael Barz
Michael Davis
Michael Loeffler
Michael Meeks
Michael Stingl
Michael Usher
Michal Orzechowski
Michele Compostella
Michiel de Jong
Micke Nordin
Miguel Barros
Mihajlo Gajic
Mikhail Korotaev
Milan Danecek
Miroslav Bauer
Mitja Zakrajsek
Mustafa Mizrak
Narges Zarrabi
Natalie Danezi
Nicola Soranzo
Nicoletta Carboni
Nuno Ferreira
Oliver Biewald
Onno Zweers
Pablo Garcia
Patrick Hochstenbach
Patrick Lang
Patrick Maier
Paul Millar
Pedro Ferreira
Peter Heiss
Peter Hoehl
Peter Kessler
Peter Kroul
Peter Szegedi
Peter van der Reest
Philipp Meili
Pierpaolo Loreti
Pierre-Yves Burgi
Radu Popescu
Rainer Lange
Ralf Dyllick
Ralf Haferkamp
Reinhard Schüller
Renata Słota
Renato Furter
René Hellmuth
René Ranger
Ricardo de Freitas Silva
Ricardo Makino
Ricardo Rocha
Riccardo Di Maria
Richard Bachmann
Richard Freitag
Rita Meneses
Rizart Dona
Roberto Di Cosmo
Roberto Toro
Roberto Valverde Cameselle
Rodrigo Moreira de Azevedo
Ron Trompert
Rui Ribeiro
ryan fraser
Samuel Alfageme Sainz
Sander Apweiler
Santiago Insua
Saqib Haleem
Satya Nooka Rajeev Mylapalli
Sebastian Lopienski
Sergey Konovalov
Sergey Korneyev
Shady El Damaty
Silvana Muscella
Simon Lofthouse
Sondos Tarek
Sophie Servan
Stefan Popp
Stuart Owen
Terrell Russell
Theo Martin Meyer
Theofilos Mouratidis
thirsa de boer
Thomas Kinsky
Tilo Uwe Steiger
Tim Moeller
Tobias Baader
Tom Wezepoel
Tomasz Chendynski
Triantafyllenia Doumani
Urs Gubler
Urs Schmid
Valentina Pasquale
Vasco Guita
Vlad Makrenko
Volodymyr Yurchenko
William van Santen
Willy Kloucek
Xavier Espinal
Yaroslav Halchenko
Yiannis Psaras
Zachary Smith
Zhiming Zhao
Łukasz Dutka