24–27 Jan 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Sunet Drive - Status and plans for Swedens storage solution

24 Jan 2022, 11:00
Presentation CS3 Community Site Reports Site Reports


Mr Micke Nordin (Sunet) Richard Freitag


Sunet is currently establishing Sunet Drive as their solution to store and share large amounts of scientific data. The architecture is based on a global scale setup of Nextcloud, where each university and college gets an own node, which then can be customized. The underlying storage infrastructure is based on S3 containers, and each university can manage and assign new buckets depending on their needs. The goal is to establish a service providing data-sovereignity, while being part of a larger federation of storage-services.
This community site report will focus on the current status of Sunet Drive, its level of automation to achieve a scalable solution, as well as challenges and issues to get Sunet Drive to where it currently is.


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