Since a few years SURF has been running a sync-and-share service called Research Drive next to the personal storage based SURFdrive. Research Drive is specially tailored for the special needs of researchers. These special needs had to do with flexible quota, project-based storage rather than personal storage and multiple means of authentication. The latter was an absolute necessity in order to allow people accessing the service outside of the Dutch SURFconext identity federation. On one hardware infrastructure now almost 30 instances are running of a sync-and-share service for equally many institutes.
The institutes use this service to manage their research data. Apart from the regular users like students, teachers and researchers there are also the departmental administrators, central IT and primary investigators. Each having their role in the research data management process. Since Research Drive aims to be self-service we have developed a dashboard where these different roles have been implemented, each with the different capabilities suiting their role. The dashboard allows users to invite other users, primary investigators to manage their project folders and monitor data accesses, central IT to hand out chunks of storage to departments and departmental administrators to provide project folders to primary investigators. In addition, central IT is now also able to configure the settings for their sync-and-share instance themselves.
In this presentation we will give an overview of the progress we made on our dashboard.