Site Reports
- Dr. Tilo Steiger (ETH Zuerich)
At Sciebo we migrated the first half of our productive ownCloud instances, serving over 200k customers across the state of North Rhine Westphalia at universitary institutions, to our new on-premise kubernetes platform.
Last year we presented an overview of the rough architecture of the platform and promised some more insights for this year's CS3. ;-)
In this presentation we
- give a quick...
CERNBox is key enabler service for users at CERN and beyond. The service is used by more than 37K users and stores over 15PB of data, representing all the user communities at the laboratory.
In this talk we will explain the current status of the service, the challenges we faced in 2021 and we look into the future: CERNBox as the gateway for heterogeneous storage spaces at CERN and beyond.
Sunet is currently establishing Sunet Drive as their solution to store and share large amounts of scientific data. The architecture is based on a global scale setup of Nextcloud, where each university and college gets an own node, which then can be customized. The underlying storage infrastructure is based on S3 containers, and each university can manage and assign new buckets depending on...
Since a few years SURF has been running a sync-and-share service called Research Drive next to the personal storage based SURFdrive. Research Drive is specially tailored for the special needs of researchers. These special needs had to do with flexible quota, project-based storage rather than personal storage and multiple means of authentication. The latter was an absolute necessity in order to...