James Beacham
(Duke University (US))
10/18/21, 1:05 PM
James Beacham, particle physicist with the ATLAS Experiment at CERN, and Duke University; Communications Ambassador-at-Large, Chelonia Applied Science
Andrea Beccari
(Dompé farmaceutici)
10/18/21, 1:10 PM
Andrea Beccari, Head R&D Platforms and Services at Dompé farmaceutici and Project Coordinator for Exscalate4COV & LIGATE.
Sanzio Bassini
10/18/21, 1:40 PM
Sanzio Bassini, Director of Supercomputing Applications CINECA
Anna Ferrari
Alexandros Ioannidis
10/18/21, 2:50 PM
Anna Ferrari, Senior Fellow at CERN openlab and Alexandros Ioannidis CERN-IT Zenodo Service Manager
Andrea Beccari
(Dompé farmaceutici),
Anna Ferrari
Ivan Knezevic
(Ministry of Economic Development of Montenegro (ME)),
James Beacham
(Duke University (US)),
Josephine Wood
(EuroHPC JU),
Maria Girone
Mark Lambrecht
Sanzio Bassini
10/18/21, 3:50 PM
Panel: “HPC and ML for public health in Europe and beyond: Where do we go from here?”, featuring experts from CERN openlab, EuroHPC, Dompé, CINECA, and SAS.