18 October 2021
Virtual / CERN
Europe/Zurich timezone

Panel: HPC and ML for public health in Europe and beyond: Where do we go from here?

18 Oct 2021, 15:50
1h 10m
Virtual / CERN

Virtual / CERN

Virtually everywhere


Andrea Beccari (Dompé farmaceutici) Anna Ferrari (CERN) Ivan Knezevic (Ministry of Economic Development of Montenegro (ME)) James Beacham (Duke University (US)) Josephine Wood (EuroHPC JU) Maria Girone (CERN) Mark Lambrecht (SAS) Sanzio Bassini (CINECA)


Panel: “HPC and ML for public health in Europe and beyond: Where do we go from here?”, featuring experts from CERN openlab, EuroHPC, Dompé, CINECA, and SAS.

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