7–9 Dec 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Review on Linear Divergence

7 Dec 2021, 09:15



Yushan Su (University of Maryland)


Large-momentum effective theory provides a way to extract the parton physics from lattice data based on first-principle calculation. In applying large-momentum effective theory, renormalization of
the Euclidean correlators in lattice regularization is a challenge due to
linear divergences in the self-energy of Wilson lines. We will give a review on different renormalization methods to deal with linear divergences, including RI/MOM and ratio scheme. In these renormalization methods, people divide the bare hadron matrix element by another matrix element. Then we will talk about the self-renormalization method proposed recently, including a detailed numerical test on the linear divergence factors in the previous methods. Our test shows that the linear divergence can be eliminated in the ratio scheme. Moreover, we find a large non-perturbative effect in the RI/MOM and
ratio scheme, suggesting favor of the hybrid renormalization procedure proposed recently. Finally, we will talk about the hybrid renormalization method.

Primary author

Yushan Su (University of Maryland)

Presentation materials