Maria Dimou (CERN-Solid collaboration leader)
Jan Schill (CERN-Solid PoC)
Theo Meyer (CERN-Solid Follow-up project)
120 people attended this event.
Solid World is a monthly webinar - info on
Event agenda:
1. Solid Roadmap Update
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Ruben Vergborgh
- Osmar Olivo
2. CERN IT – Maria Dimou (She/Her)
Title: The CERN-Solid collaboration Proof of Concept, success, and follow-up
Topic: In June 2021 the development that enhanced the Indico event organising tool (meetings, lectures, conferences, 20K users, 600K events) was completed successfully. The PoC enhanced Indico events with users' Comments, residing on their own pods. It also showed that Indico Conference registration data can be taken from the user's pod. The conclusion of the project, the challenges for/from the CERN community, and the continuation of this effort will be explained.
3. National Library of the Netherlands – Enno Meijers (He/Him)
Topic: Solid CRS (Collection Registration System) is a system for managing (small) collections of digital objects. Administrators use the application for describing and publishing collections and their objects. Visitors can browse these collections and objects on a public website. The main goal of our Solid-CRS project is to demonstrate the feasibility of maintaining and publishing a heritage collection using the Solid ecosystem.
4. Understory – Tani Olhanoski
Topic: As we move more of our social interactions online and into digital worlds, how can Solid change the way these worlds are built? We'll explore a vision of what the future of the "Metaverse" could be and learn how Solid lays the foundation for a web that brings artists and developers together to create new possibilities for our online social spaces.
Here are the links present in the slides that you can find as attached material to this event:
The slides are on:
* CERN-Solid document index:
* Chat:
* The completed PoC Project description:
* Indico:
* The PoC Project repo:
* Comment module:
* Indico Registration autocomplete:
* CERN mirror of the repo:
* The current Follow-up project:
* Policy document for a CERN Solid server: