27 June 2022 to 2 July 2022
University of Ioannina (GR)
Europe/Athens timezone

Ising Universe

29 Jun 2022, 16:00
Room on ground floor (Conference Centre “Karolos Papoulias”)

Room on ground floor

Conference Centre “Karolos Papoulias”


Mr Antonios Kalogirou (National Technical U)


We consider a real scalar field in de Sitter background and compute its thermal propagators.
We propose that non-trivial thermal effects in the |out⟩ vacuum can be encoded in the anomalous
dimensions of the d = 3 Ising model. One of these anomalous dimensions, the critical exponent
η, fixes completely a number of cosmological observables, which we compute.

Primary author

Mr Antonios Kalogirou (National Technical U)

Presentation materials