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Workshop on Cold Rydberg Chemistry

from Monday 22 November 2021 (13:00) to Tuesday 23 November 2021 (22:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
22 Nov 2021
23 Nov 2021
15:00 --- Introduction: in the Lecture Hall (Zoom) ---
Collisions (until 17:05) ()
15:05 Using electron collision methods to characterise Rydberg states - Jonathan Tennyson (University College London)   ()
15:35 Towards detecting quantum-Langevin behavior in ion-molecule reactions - Frédéric Merkt (ETH Zurich)   ()
16:05 Self-organization in the avalanche, quench and dissipation of a molecular ultracold plasma - Edward Grant (Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia)   ()
16:35 Cold Rydberg-ion collisions - Jesus Pérez-Ríos (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University)   ()
17:05 --- Break ---
Hot Topic Talks (until 17:45) ()
17:15 Studying ion-molecule reactions within the orbit of a Rydberg electron - the effect of the $\Lambda-$doubling in NO on the He$^+$ + NO reaction rate coefficient in the $k_{\mathrm{B}}\cdot(0-10)$~K collision-energy range - Valentina Zhelyazkova (ETH Zurich)   ()
17:22 Electrically-tuned Förster resonances in cold collisions of Rydberg-stated-selected helium atoms with ground-state ammonia molecules - Junwen Zou (University College London)   ()
17:29 Towards Quantum Simulation using Rydberg states of multi-electron atoms: First spectroscopy results on erbium - Manfred Mark (University of Innsbruck)   ()
17:36 Synthetic dimension-induced conical intersections in Rydberg molecules - Matthew Eiles (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden)   ()
17:45 --- Break ---
Atom-Ion Bound States (until 21:00) ()
19:00 Rydberg-atom-ion molecules: Vibrational levels and lifetimes - Georg Raithel (University of Michigan)   ()
19:30 Search for novel atom-ion Rydberg molecules - Johannes Hecker Denschlag (University of Ulm)   ()
20:00 Spatial imaging of a novel type of molecular ions - Tilman Pfau (University of Stuttgart)   ()
20:30 Forming Rydberg Molecules in a Quantum Gas with Strong Interactions: Rotational Structure, Correlations, and Surprises - Thomas C. Killian (Department of Physics and Astronomy and Rice Center for Quantum Materials)   ()
Long-Range Rydberg Molecules (until 17:30) ()
15:00 How many ground state atoms can a Rydberg atom accommodate? - Jan-Michael Rost (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden)   ()
15:30 The Life and Fate of Ultra-Long-Range Rydberg Molecules - Herwig Ott (Department of Physics and Research Center OPTIMAS, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany)   ()
16:00 Exploring the binding of long-range Rydberg molecules - Michael Peper (University of Leipzig)   ()
16:30 Polyatomic ultralong range Rydberg molecules - Rosario Gonzalez-Ferez (Universidad de Granada)   ()
17:00 Double Rydberg Molecules - Thomas Gallagher (University of Virginia)   ()
Poster Session (until 18:15) ()
17:30 Control of molecular ultracold plasma relaxation dynamics in mm-wave and radio-frequency fields - Ruoxi Wang (Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of British Columbia)   ()
17:30 Dissipative dynamics of a molecular Rydberg gas: Avalanche to an ultracold plasma state of strong coupling - Kevin Marroquin   ()
17:30 Dressed Ion-Pair States of an Ultralong-Range Rydberg Molecule - Dr Panagiotis Giannakeas (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems )   ()
17:30 Imaging the interface of a qubit and its quantum-many-body environment - Sidharth Rammohan   ()
17:30 Ionization energy of the metastable 2 $^1$S$_0$ state of $^4$He from Rydberg-series extrapolation - Mrs Gloria Clausen (ETH Zürich)   ()
17:30 Low-energy reactive collisions of H2, HD, and D2 with H2 +, HD+, D2 +: branching ratios, deviation from Langevin behavior and kinetic energy analysis of the products. - Katharina Höveler (ETH Zurich)   ()
17:30 Multipolar character of Förster resonance energy transfer - Sabrina Patsch (Freie Universität Berlin)   ()
17:30 Non-adiabatic dynamics in Rydberg gases with random atom positions - Ritesh Pant   ()
17:30 Self-Assembling of the Intermediate with Chemically Bound Argon in van der Waals Complex Ar-I2 photoexcited into the Rydberg states of I2 - Prof. Alexey Baklanov (Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion)   ()
17:30 Spectroscopic Studies of H2S and D2S Near Ion-Pair Dissociation Thresholds - Carla Kreis   ()
17:30 Test of the spectator role of the Rydberg electron in the He(n) + CO reaction and effects of the CO dipole and quadrupole moments at low collision energies - Fernanda B. V. Martins (ETH Zurich)   ()
17:30 Towards a hybrid platform of ultracold polar molecules and Rydberg atoms - Dr Alex Guttridge (Durham University)   ()
18:15 --- Break ---
Spectroscopy & Dynamics (until 21:00) ()
19:00 Spectroscopy and dynamics of an ion within a Rydberg-electron orbit - Matthieu Génévriez (Université catholique de Louvain)   ()
19:30 Quantum defects for molecular Rydberg states and precision spectroscopy of H$_2^+$ - Maximilian Beyer (VU Amsterdam)   ()
20:00 Vibrational autoionization of core-nonpenetrating Rydberg states of NO: Long-range ab initio model and applications to cold ion chemistry​ - Timothy Barnum (MIT)   ()
20:30 Effects of weak rotational and vibrational interactions on the lifetimes of long-lived Rydberg states of NO - Matthew Rayment (University College London)   ()
21:00 --- Concluding Remarks: in the Lecture Hall (Zoom) ---