2–4 Mar 2022
University of Freiburg (Virtual)
Europe/Zurich timezone

Study of Irradiated CNM 3D Sensors

3 Mar 2022, 17:45
Virtual (Zoom Only) (University of Freiburg (Virtual))

Virtual (Zoom Only)

University of Freiburg (Virtual)

Oral 3D Sensors 3D Sensors


Susan J Dittmer (University of Illinois at Chicago (US))


For the high luminosity upgrade of the LHC, the CMS experiment is considering implementing the innermost layers of its inner tracker with 3D pixels. This technology should allow the detector to operate safely at unprecedented fluences that can be as high as O(2e16 Neq/cm2). In this study we present results of pixelated 3D sensors fabricated at IMB-CNM and interconnected to the RD53A demonstrator readout chip. The sensor plus chip ensembles were irradiated at the Fermilab irradiation test area with protons of momentum 400 MeV to fluences of approximately 1.3-2.0e16 and measured in a test beam of 120 GeV protons. We show some preliminary results of the sensor performance, including the hit detection efficiency and position resolution as a function of bias voltage and angle. Sensor characterization measurements also include the IV curve and the charge collection profiles inside a pixel cell for orthogonal incidence at full depletion.

Primary authors

Abbas Hassani (University of Colorado Boulder (US)) Atanu Pathak (Purdue University Northwest (US)) Corrinne Mills (University of Illinois at Chicago (US)) Susan J Dittmer (University of Illinois at Chicago (US)) Christine Angela McLean (SUNY Buffalo) Edgar Albelo Ortiz (University of Puerto Rico (US)) Gail Gulledge Hanson (University of California Riverside (US)) Hsin-Wei Hsia (The State University of New York SUNY (US)) Hugo Alberto Becerril Gonzalez (University of Illinois at Chicago (US)) Jahid Hossein (University of Nebraska Lincoln (US)) Jason Thieman (Purdue University (US)) Jesse Harris (University of Tennessee (US)) Jieun Yoo (UIC) Joaquin Siado Castaneda (University of Nebraska Lincoln (US)) John Perry Cumalat (University of Colorado Boulder (US)) Joseph Reichert (Cornell University (US)) Karl Ecklund (Rice University (US)) Liam Foster (University of Colorado at Boulder) Matthew Jones (Purdue University (US)) Mauricio Matta Seclen (University of Puerto Rico (US)) Sahithi Rudrabhatla Samuel Kai Bright-Thonney (Cornell University (US)) Scarlet Rachel Norberg (University of Puerto Rico (US)) Sofia Lasky-Headrick (University of Illinois at Chicago (US)) Stefan Spanier (University of Tennessee (US)) Stephen Wagner (University of Colorado Boulder (US)) Titas Roy (University of Illinois at Chicago (US))

Presentation materials