17th (Virtual) "Trento" Workshop on Advanced Silicon Radiation Detectors

from Wednesday, 2 March 2022 (09:00) to Friday, 4 March 2022 (18:00)
University of Freiburg (Virtual) (Virtual (Zoom Only))

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
2 Mar 2022
3 Mar 2022
4 Mar 2022
09:30 Welcome - Ulrich Parzefall (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE)) Maurizio Boscardin (FBK Trento)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
Session 1: Welcome and Introduction - Ulrich Parzefall (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE)) (until 10:00) (Virtual (Zoom Only))
CMOS - Laura Gonella (University of Birmingham (UK)) (until 10:40) (Virtual (Zoom Only))
10:00 MALTA monolithic active pixel sensor Test Beam results - Dumitru-Vlad Berlea (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Campus Zeuthen (DE))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
10:20 Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (DMAPS) in 180 nm TowerJazz and 150 nm LFoundry Technology for High Radiation and High Rate Environments - Lars Philip Schall (University of Bonn)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
10:45 --- Coffee break (with virtual meeting in Workadventure) ---
CMOS - Susanne Kuehn (CERN) (until 12:35) (Virtual (Zoom Only))
11:15 Upgrade to the Belle II Vertex Detector with CMOS pixel sensors - Maximilian Babeluk (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
11:35 Performance Evaluation of Stitched Passive CMOS Strip Sensors - Surabhi Sharma (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
11:55 Timing properties of the RD50-MPW2 CMOS detector - Bojan Hiti (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
12:15 Development of a backside biased HV-CMOS sensor in a 150 nm process node for particle detection - Nissar Karim (University of Liverpool)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
LGAD - Yoshinobu Unno (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) (until 10:50) (Virtual (Zoom Only))
09:30 Defect spectroscopy studies on irradiated LGADs - Anja Himmerlich (CERN)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
09:50 High-injection carrier dynamics generated by MeV ions and fs-laser, impacting the LGAD's limiting response: SEB and Gain suppression - Gordana Lastovicka Medin (University of Montenegro (ME))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
10:10 Influence of the ionization density on LGAD gain as measured with TCT, TPA-TCT and a beta source - Esteban Curras Rivera (CERN)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
10:30 Sensitivity analysis of parameters characterizing the bulk radiation damage on silicon devices - Patrick Asenov (Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
10:50 Virtual Conference Photograph - Cameras on   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
LGAD - Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino (IT)) (until 12:30) (Virtual (Zoom Only))
11:30 Readout development of a LGAD-based Hybrid Detector for Microdosimetry (HDM) - Enrico Pierobon   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
11:50 Development of Low Gain Avalanche Detectors at Teledyne e2v - Laura Gonella (University of Birmingham (UK))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
12:10 Stability of irradiated LGAD sensors in the Fermilab high-rate proton beam facility - Ryan Heller (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
Electronics and ASICs - Nanni Darbo (INFN e Universita Genova (IT)) (until 10:50) (Virtual (Zoom Only))
09:30 MONOLITH - picosecond time stamping capabilities in fully monolithic highly granular silicon pixel detectors - Matteo Milanesio (Universite de Geneve (CH)) Magdalena Munker (University of Geneva)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
09:50 First tracks and initial timing results with Timepix4 ASIC - Robbert Erik Geertsema (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
10:10 A monolithic ASIC for the very high precision pre-shower detector of the FASER experiment at the LHC - Lorenzo Paolozzi (CERN)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
10:30 Study of the charge carrier properties GaAs:Cr with Timepix3 - Dr Petr Smolyanskiy (IEAP CTU in Prague)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
Miscellaneous - Ulrich Parzefall (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE)) (until 11:30) (Virtual (Zoom Only))
10:50 Silicon Detectors Beyond LHC – RD50 Status Report - Gabriele D'Amen (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
11:10 Radiation damage studies of new p-n junction SiC detectors - Prof. Salvatore Tudisco (INFN-LNS)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
11:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Experiments, Applications, Systems - Ian Dawson (University of London (GB)) (until 12:50) (Virtual (Zoom Only))
11:50 The 100μPET project: a small-animal PET scanner for ultra-high-resolution molecular imaging with monolithic silicon pixel sensors - Mateus Vicente Barreto Pinto (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
12:10 ATLAS ITk Pixel quad module test beam results - Sejla Hadzic (Max Planck Society (DE))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
12:30 Penetrating Particle Analyser (PAN). Silicon tracker development. Beamtest results - Mr Daniil Sukhonos (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
12:45 --- Lunch Break ---
LGAD - Giovanni Calderini (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Giovanni Calderini (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 15:30) (Virtual (Zoom Only))
13:45 Spatial and temporal resolutions of sensors belonging to the second FBK RSD production - Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino (IT))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
14:05 Present and future development of thin silicon sensors for extreme fluences - Valentina Sola (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
14:25 Quantum efficiency measurements of FBK silicon planar sensors with optimized entrance window for soft X-Rays. - Maria del Mar Carulla Areste   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
14:45 Characterization of Trench-Isolated LGADs before and after irradiation - Marco Ferrero (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
15:05 Detailed process characterization of carbonated LGADs through Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy - Dr Vagelis Gkougkousis (CERN)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
LGAD - Hartmut Sadrozinski (University of California: Santa Cruz) Hartmut Sadrozinski (SCIPP, UC santa Cruz) Hartmut Sadrozinski (University of California,Santa Cruz (US)) (until 17:20) (Virtual (Zoom Only))
16:00 Characterisation of UFSD4 production by FBK - Marta Tornago (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
16:20 Development of AC-LGADs for large-scale high-precision time and position measurements - Jennifer Ott (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
16:40 TCAD Investigation of AC-LGAD - Dr Mohammad Nizam (University of California: Santa Cruz) Kyung-Wook (Taylor) Shin (University of California: Santa Cruz)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
Simulations - Igor Mandic (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)) (until 14:30) (Virtual (Zoom Only))
13:30 Silicon Electron Multiplier (SiEM) - Marius Mahlum Halvorsen (University of Oslo (NO))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
13:50 Dynamic characterization of the ARCADIA passive pixel arrays: a comparison between simulation and experimental data - Thomas Corradino (University of Trento and TIFPA - INFN)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
14:10 DC-coupled resistive silicon detectors for 4-D tracking - Luca Menzio (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
Planar Sensors - Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)) (until 15:55) (Virtual (Zoom Only))
14:30 New test beam results of HPK planar pixel sensors for the CMS Ph2 upgrade - Massimiliano Antonello (Universität Hamburg)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
14:50 Process quality control of silicon sensors for the Phase-2 upgrade of the CMS Outer Tracker for the HL-LHC - Panagiotis Assiouras (Nat. Cent. for Sci. Res. Demokritos (GR))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
15:10 Characterisation of the silicon oxide quality in HGCAL sensor prototypes - Matteo Defranchis (CERN)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
15:30 Study of bulk damage induced by gamma irradiation in n-in-p silicon diodes - Vera Latonova (Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
15:55 --- Coffee Break ---
3D Sensors - Gian-Franco Dalla Betta (INFN and University of Trento) (until 18:25) (Virtual (Zoom Only))
16:25 Investigation of the Time Resolution of LGADs and 3D sensors using a beta source and a laser system - Leena Diehl (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
16:45 Single cell 3D timing: Time resolution assessment and Landau contribution evaluation via test-beam and laboratory measurements - Dr Vagelis Gkougkousis (CERN)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
17:05 Test Beam results of FBK 3D pixel sensors interconnected to RD53A readout chip after high irradiation - Giulio Bardelli (Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
17:25 SINTEF 3D pixel sensor pre-production for the ATLAS ITk. - Dr Marco Povoli (SINTEF MiNaLab)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
17:45 Study of Irradiated CNM 3D Sensors - Susan J Dittmer (University of Illinois at Chicago (US))   (Virtual (Zoom Only))
12:50 Conference Closing - Prof. Gian-Franco Dalla Betta (INFN and University of Trento)   (Virtual (Zoom Only))