Video-meeting: Restricted Council - Two-Hundred-and-Fifth Session

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
  • Thursday 9 December
    • 09:00 16:55
      Restricted Council
      • 09:00
        Report on the credentials 2m
      • 09:02
        Matters arising from previous meeting (Oral) 5m
      • 09:07
        Adoption of the agenda 3m
      • 09:10
        Approval of the draft minutes 5m
        • Two-hundred-and-fourth Session - Restricted Council 3m
        • Two-hundred-and-third Session - Open Council 3m
      • 09:15
        President's report (Oral) 10m
      • 09:25
        Director-General's report (Oral) 20m
      • 09:45
        Developments in the Member States relevant for CERN (Oral) 15m
      • 10:00
        Scientific Policy Committee 15m
        • Report by the Chair of the Scientific Policy Committee (Professor L. Rivkin - Oral) 10m
        • Questions to the Scientific Policy Committee 5m
      • 10:15
        Report by the Chair of the Finance Committee (Dr U. Dosselli - Oral) 10m
      • 10:25
        Audit Committee (AC) 10m
        • Key messages from the AC meeting held on 10 and 11 November 2021 8m
        • Questions to the AC 2m
      • 10:35
        Coffee break 20m
      • 10:55
        2021 Five-Yearly Review: Proposals by the Management 30m
      • 11:25
        CERN Fellows, Associates and Students programmes 20m
      • 11:45
        CERN Pension Fund - Report by the Chair of the Pension Fund Governing Board (Mr O. Malmberg - Oral) 15m
      • 12:00
        The cost-variation index for 2022 15m
      • 12:15
        Final budget of the Organization for the sixty-eighth financial year 2022 15m
      • 12:30
        Preliminary information on the Medium-Term Plan for the period 2023-2027 (Director-General - Oral) 5m
      • 12:35
        Fundraising report (Ms C. Warakaulle - Oral) 10m
      • 12:45
        Lunch 1h 15m
      • 14:00
        Report on non-LHC experiments (Prof. J. Mnich - Oral) 15m
      • 14:15
        HL-LHC matters 30m
        • Report on the HL-LHC project, including EVM report 15m
        • Status report on the Phase-2 detector upgrades (Prof. J. Mnich - Oral) 15m
      • 14:45
        LHC matters 30m
        • Status of the accelerator complex (Dr M. Lamont - Oral) 20m
        • Status report on the LHC experiments and computing (Prof. J. Mnich - Oral) 20m
      • 15:15
        Issues with the FLUKA code (Mr M. Wilbers - Oral) 15m
      • 15:30
        Energy and electricity management at CERN (Mr S. Claudet - Oral) 15m
      • 15:45
        Electricity strategy and costs (Mr R. Bello - Oral) 15m
      • 16:00
        Overview of protocols concluded since November 2020 5m
      • 16:05
        International Cooperation Agreement between the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Honduran Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation 10m
      • 16:15
        Report on collaboration between the European Commission and CERN 15m
      • 16:30
        CERN’s collaboration with national laboratories and beyond (Part 2: Detectors and computing) (Prof. J. Mnich - Oral) 20m
      • 16:50
        Timetable for Council Sessions and committee meetings in 2023 5m
  • Friday 10 December
    • 09:00 12:30
      Restricted Session - European Strategy matters
      • 09:00
        FCC Feasibility Study status report (Dr M. Benedikt - Oral) 30m
      • 09:30
        Roadmap for accelerator R&D 30m
      • 10:00
        Roadmap for detector R&D 30m
      • 10:30
        Coffee break 15m
      • 10:45
        Quantum Technology Initiative at CERN: strategy and roadmap (Dr A. Di Meglio - Oral) 20m
      • 11:05
        Report on ECFA activities 15m
      • 11:20
        Planned Snowmass process in the US (Prof. Tao Han - Oral) 20m
      • 11:40
        Report from the European Particle Physics Communication Network 10m
      • 11:50
        Report from IPPOG (S. Goldfarb or P. Abreu - Oral) 10m
      • 12:00
        Confirmation of the access status of the documents on the agenda 2m
      • 12:02
        Other business 13m