24–28 Oct 2022
University of Santiago de Compostela
Europe/Madrid timezone


The Young Minds (YM) Project is the key program of the European Physical Society (EPS) devoted to boosting the career and the scientific creativity of young physicists around Europe and fostering the creation of an international network of young and motivated researchers (https://www.epsyoungminds.org/). Currently, there are more than 60 Young Minds Section in more than 30 different countries! 

In the framework of the 2022 EUROPEAN NUCLEAR PHYSICS CONFERENCE (https://indico.cern.ch/e/EUNPC2022) , that will be held in Santiago de Compostela from the 24th of October to the 28th (2022) there will be a session dedicated to this project. Please find here a description of their scope and activities, and how to organize a Young Mind Section in your institution. 

This session will take place on Wednesday 26th at 9:40 a.m.

Roundtable: Life beyond the PhD, a guide to a satisfactory professional career

Finishing a PhD is a hard task, it requires a lot of work and motivation. In fact, it is usual that PhD students are so focused in their research that they lack time to think about the next steps in their career. 

In this roundtable, the Young Minds Project aims to provide the attendees with an interactive session where you will meet four senior professionals sharing the common factor of having a PhD in Physics and the difference of having chosen very different professional paths. 

It is an excellent opportunity to discover how to make the most of your future PhD and solve any doubts you could have about your future options either in industria or in academia, including the main differences between both and the unique benefits of each one.

Our participants

Francisco Albiol

Kiko Albiol is a researcher at Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) with a large number of contributions in the field of medical physics and tele-detection.

Currently is working in research for a large number of strategic areas including energy, nuclear waste classification, medical and satellite tele-detection.

Previously, he worked as a manager of Intellectual Property, patents and related areas at Spanish National Research Council and founded several companies, such as CEO/CTO Sertecnet, Integralia RCI or CTO SIMUPLAN S.L.




Javier Díaz

Javier's main task is the development of projects based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for the different Inditex brands. Specilized in projects oriented in the demand planning and to maximize the rentability of the product, offering qualitative improvements in multiple areas of the company. He is also in charge of general R&D for AI, trying to come up with new methods and components in the field.

In his previous position he worked as a Data Scientis in Accenture Applied Intelligence developing multiple consulting projects based in machine learning and AI for several multinationals.

Originally Javier got a PhD in nuclear physics in Universidad de Santiago de Compostela studying knockout reactions in neutron rich nuclei and also collaborating with the ATTPC group of Michigan State University





Paloma Quiroga

Paloma has a PhD in particle physics with a focus on heavy ion collisions. 
Today she is a Managing Director at Aon, one of the world's largest professional services firms. Based in London, she currently holds the role of Global Head of Articulating Value,  working on setting the company's long term reinsurance strategy and how to deliver market leading value to their clients. She is also heavily involved in the company's D&I agenda. She previously worked as a strategy consultant helping insurance and reinsurance companies achieve their growth ambitions and operate efficiently.
She has been with Aon since 2013 after transitioning from academia. She got her PhD from the university of Santiago de Compostela and CERN, and she spent two years at Université Paris 6 Pierre et Marie Curie as a postdoctoral researcher.





Giovanna Benzoni

Giovanna Benzoni is senior researcher at INFN division of Milano, where she also coordinate the activities of the gamma-spectroscopy group.

Giovanna is an experimental nuclear physicist, specialised in nuclear structure studies via gamma and beta decays. She works on data analysis and design of experimental campaigns and new set-ups.

Scientifically born and raise within Universtá degli Studi di Milano and INFN Milano, since the PhD studies she spent long periods both at NBI in Copenhagen, working under the close supervision of B. Herskind, and in GSI within the gamma-spectroscopy group.

Her actual research interests revolve mainly around the Italian LNL laboratories, where she is involved in tje AGATA and GALILEO campaigns, GSI-FAIR, where Giovanna is leading the HISPEC-DESPEC collaboration as the spokesperson, with frequent visits to both RIKEN (J) and ISOLDE (CERN). She is involved in the design of a new infrastructures to exploit the upcoming ISOL beams from the SPES project at LNL.

INFN Milano