17–21 Jul 2023
Monash University
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Precision Predictions in Top-quark Width

19 Jul 2023, 11:05
Monash University

Monash University

Talk Collider precision Collider Precision


Haitao Li (Shandong University)


We will present our recent work on the first full analytic results of NNLO QCD corrections to the top-quark decay in the Standard Model by applying the optical theorem to three-loop self-energy diagrams. The results are expressed in terms of harmonic polylogarithms. We also analytically compute the decay width including the off-shell $W$ boson effect up to NNLO in QCD for the first time. Combining these contributions with electroweak corrections and the finite $b$-quark mass effect, we determine the most precise top-quark width to be 1.331 GeV for $m_t=172.69$ GeV. The total theoretical uncertainties including those from renormalization scale choice, top-quark mass renormalization scheme, input parameters, and missing higher-order corrections are scrutinized and found to be less than $1\%$. All the formulae are incorporated in a portable Mathematica program TopWidth (https://github.com/haitaoli1/TopWidth).

Primary authors

Haitao Li (Shandong University) Prof. Jian Wang (Shandong University) LongBin Chen Zhao Li (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Yefan Wang

Presentation materials