Astrophysics: Room C
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- Nicole Bell (The University of Melbourne)
Particulate Dark Matter (DM), completely isolated from the Standard Model particle sector, can be produced in the early universe from Primordial Black Hole (PBH) evaporation. However, Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) observations put an upper bound on the initial mass of PBH requiring the PBH to evaporate completely before the advent of BBN. DM particles in the mass range ∼(1-10^9) GeV can not...
The capture of Dark Matter in compact objects has garnered considerable interest over recent years. This renewed interest is driven primarily by the prospect that the energy deposited by the dark matter can heat these objects potentially to infra-red temperatures, which may soon be observed. Such observations can constrain dark matter interactions complementary to modern direct detection...
For decades stellar evolution has been a rich source of constraints on physics beyond the Standard Model. In this talk I will discuss our recent improvement of the upper bound on the axion-photon coupling from stellar evolution, which has been derived using the $R_2$ parameter, the ratio of stellar populations on the Asymptotic Giant Branch to Horizontal Branch in Globular Clusters. I will...
Dark Matter candidates with cross sections as tiny as $10^{-45}cm^2$ can be captured efficiently in compact stars, like Neutron Stars and White Dwarfs.
The collisions to capture Dark Matter would heat the star, raising its equilibrium temperature, around 2000K for a NS. Thus, observation of old and cold NS that should have reached equilibrium can be used to set constraints on the capture...
The era of gravitational wave (GW) astronomy offers a new avenue to explore the early universe and with it an energy scale that may never be accessible to terrestrial colliders. This provides a fresh new way to investigate the phenomenology of grand unified theories (GUT). We construct an $SO(10)$ inspired Pati-Salam model encompassing an intermediate minimal left-right symmetric model. We...
Ultralight boson particles, if they exist as theorized, could form clouds around rapidly rotating black holes through the phenomenon called superradiance. Such clouds are expected to emit long-lasting, quasimonochromatic gravitational radiation. Searching for gravitational waves emitted by boson clouds around black holes provides a new cosmic approach to interrogating the existence of...
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole has been fully operational for over a decade. With a cubic kilometre of deep ice as the detection volume, the detector has seen thousands of astrophysical neutrinos from across the sky – with the first steady point source (NGC1068) recently discovered. In this talk we will discuss what we have learned about the astrophysical origins of these...