
Notes from the January 2022 CS3 conference session "Decentralised Web and Storage"

by Maria Dimou (CERN)


Notes from the 2022/01/27 "Decentralised Web & Storage" session of the CS3 2022 Conference

Unfortunately the Solid-related talk, that would have raised audience awareness of the Solid project, had to be cancelled due to speaker's illness. This was the Abstract

The session chairman Guido Aben said the call for fediverse talks at the next CS3 remains open and a talk on Solid will be retained.
The slides of the appended presentations are available from the Indico index of the "Decentralised Web & Storage" session.
1. ABEBox - end-to-end encryption for existing file sharing cloud services by
Owncloud, Nextcloud etc don't provide end-to-end encryption. ABEBox is there to achieve that. It was given an Horizon2020 innovation programme grant.
It is based on keys to manage Access Control inside a given organisation.
This is an Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE).
Everyone can take a document and encrypt it with a public key and a policy.
The policy defines who can decrypt the document.
Their product Electron version runs on Windows, Linux and Mac.
Part of the tests to verify the workflow is interview and questionnaire of testing groups on the ease of installation, configuration, documentation etc.
If the secret key is lost, users can ask the administrator to create a new one.
The administrator assigns the attributes to the users, based on the policy that applies to them and each user decides on the attributes on new file creation.
2. Is EOS ready for enterprise companies? by Gregor Molan
Almost. The LHC storage requirements are fulfilled and performance is enviable. What is still pending is the documentation and Windows port.
3. Report from the CERNBox user forum by Hugo Labrador (from the "User Stories" session).
The forum was very successful. 56+ institutions joined almost 200 people registered.
A big amount of CERN services use CERNBox, including the  medical service to store laboratory members' private data.
It was extremely useful for the CERNBox team to get this users' input. Some of the suggestions are already in the team's roadmap.
Most users said in the survey they need search, performance and notifications.


Please contact Maria Dimou for further information on the CERN-Solid collaboration.