16 July 2022
Technical University Vienna
Europe/Zurich timezone

Heat-only background in the EDELWEISS detectors with NbSi TES sensor

16 Jul 2022, 13:55
Technical University Vienna

Technical University Vienna

Gußhausstraße 25-29, 1040 Wien




The EDELWEISS collaboration has extensively studied the population of events with no ionization signal ("Heat-Only" events) in its cryogenic germanium detector equipped with Ge-NTD sensors. It recently developed and operated in an low-radioactivity underground environment a new generation of cryogenic germanium detectors equipped with NbSi thin-film sensors able to detect out-of-equilibirum phonons. The population of Heat-Only events in such a device has been measured, using the Neganov-Luke-Trofimov effect to resolve it from electron recoil events. Significant differences from the population observed in detectors equipped with Ge-NTD sensors have been observed.

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