Technical University Vienna
Welcome to EXCESS22@IDM, a satellite workshop of the IDM 2022 conference!
This is the 3rd iteration of the EXCESS workshop. The workshop was initiated in 2021 to discuss sharply rising low energy event rates observed by various rare event search experiments. While the first two iterations discussed observations and interpretations of the excesses, this event will focus on:
- Updates from experiments (excess data, hypothesis tests, etc.)
- Individual contributions (excess interpretations, proposed tests, etc.)
- Outreach to entire dark matter community
While some talks will be by invitation, we also encourage everyone to submit an abstract with your individual work on the low energy excess signals.
The event is scheduled as a satellite meeting within the IDM conference, however, participation in the conference is no requirement to attend the workshop. Also talks by people who's work is not focused on dark matter are encouraged!
This workshop will be held in-person in Vienna, the location of the IDM 2022 conference: the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Technical University Vienna (TU Wien). On the workshop date, the path from the entrance of the building to the workshop location will be marked. For further information, see https://indico.cern.ch/event/922783/page/20348-venue
There is no organized lunch, but the main conference page does list suggestions for lunch places: https://indico.cern.ch/event/922783/page/20351-lunch
Please consider the information at the main IDM website for Hotels: https://indico.cern.ch/event/922783/page/20355-hotels
Partner Hotels of the IDM conference are informed, such that bookings are already possible starting from July 15.
Important dates:
- 17. March: Abstract submission opens
16. May30. May --> Abstract submission closed- 2. June: Author notification
- 9. July: Registration closes
- 16. July: Workshop date
There will be workshop proceedings, published together with the IDM proceedings in SciPost.
Previous workshops: