Jul 18 – 22, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Talks, posters and proceedings

Plenary talks

IDM2022 will have (invited) plenary talks in the morning. Those talks last 25+5min and should draw a broad picture of the respective subject, understandable and of interest for all IDM participants. 

Parallel sessions

We foresee three parallel sessions at IDM, grouped according to topics. Parallel session talks will be 17+3min. We will encourage the chairs to be strict on the timing to allow switching between sessions (the rooms are very close to each other).

Young scientist talks

For young scientists (maximal four years after PhD) we offer another format, namely short talks (8+2min) in the parallel sessions. Please note, that this is an additional offer for young scientists. They may also apply for standard-length parallel talks and posters.


Participants may contribute to IDM by presenting their work in a poster. Posters will be on display the full week, at dedicated poster session(s) participants will be able to meet the poster authors. 


Speaker instructions


Talk upload
Please upload your talk at least one hour before the start of the session. The standard and preferred format is pdf, you cannot use your own laptop. If you have special requirements (e.g. an animation), please contact us beforehand. 

If you have trouble uploading on indico, please come to the registration desk with your talk on a thumb drive (USB stick). We will then help you upload it. Alternatively, send them via mail to idm2022@hephy.at 

We will be very strict on timing!
Plenary: (25+5)min 
Parallel: (17+3)min
Parallel, young scientist: (8+2)min

For poster presenters: How to prepare your poster

Poster contributions should be of size A0 and portrait orientation (Width=841mm, Height=1189mm) with some tolerance.

The posters will be on display during the whole week. Please make sure to provide your poster on Monday, the first day of the conference.

The poster walls will be labeled such that you will find the proper place for your poster. We will provide tape to attach your poster.

In case of need, a participant can print his/her poster at Diekopie shop close to the venue.

We are kindly asking each poster presenter to prepare one slide as an example IDM2022_template and upload it to the indico contribution. The poster number corresponds to the number of your contribution.


We will have peer-reviewed proceedings for IDM2022 published open access in SciPost. Proceedings for plenary talks are foreseen to have a page limit of 6 pages, parallel session talks, young scientist presentations and posters of 4 pages.