"A tale of two infinities" by Gianfranco Bertone
Date: July 19, 2022
Time: 19:00 (Entrance 18:30)
Address: TU Wien, Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Vienna
Place: TU the Sky
Free Entrance
The spectacular advances of modern astronomy have opened our horizons to an unexpected cosmos: a dark, mysterious universe, populated by enigmatic forms of matter and energy.
In this talk for the general public, I will show that the deepest mysteries of the universe — from 'dark matter' to 'dark energy,' and from 'black holes' to the 'Big Bang' — have something in common" though arising from the observation of the largest astronomical scales, they appear to sink their roots in the realm of elementary particles, a microcosm ruled not by gravity but by the laws of quantum physics.
I will argue that a new branch of astronomy - based not on traditional telescopes, but on gravitational waves and other 'messengers' of the universe - holds the keys to unlock these mysteries, and thus to build a bridge between infinitely large and infinitely small.
It is a new, exciting frontier of knowledge. But also an extraordinary adventure that will change forever our understanding of the Universe, and of the role that we as human beings play in it.