1:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:30 PM
Parallel 2A - Direct detection I
Jochen Schieck
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
(until 4:30 PM)
2:30 PM
The Scintillating Bubble Chamber Experiment
- Dr
Ben Broerman
(Queen's University)
2:50 PM
PICO: dark matter searches using bubble chambers
Eric Vazquez-Jauregui
3:10 PM
Status and future prospects of the NEWS-G experiment
Patrick Ryan Knights
3:30 PM
Low mass dark matter searches with NEWS-G: Results with a methane target
Francisco Andres Vazquez de Sola
3:50 PM
Overview and recent results from the DEAP-3600 experiment
Andrew Erlandson
4:10 PM
The Future LXe Observatory DARWIN
Klaus Eitel
2:30 PM
Parallel 2B - Axions
Holger Martin Kluck
(until 4:30 PM)
2:30 PM
Status and Future of the HAYSTAC Experiment
Karl van Bibber
2:50 PM
The Sensitivity of Spin-Precession Axion Experiments
Jacob Michael Leedom
3:10 PM
First Results from the Taiwan Axion Search Experiment with Haloscope at 19.6μeV
- Dr
Hien Doan
(Academia Sinica)
3:30 PM
Approaching a first science run with ALPS II
Aaron Dean Spector
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
3:50 PM
MADMAX - Towards a Dielectric Axion Haloscope
Christoph Krieger
(Hamburg University (DE))
4:10 PM
Status of DMRadio 50L and m$^3$
Nicholas M. Rapidis
(Stanford University)
2:30 PM
Parallel 2C - Direct detection II
Christian Strandhagen
(Eberhards Karls Universiy Tubingen (DE))
(until 4:10 PM)
2:30 PM
Precise Predictions for Atomic Ionisation from the Migdal Effect
- Dr
Christopher McCabe
(King's College London)
2:50 PM
The MIGDAL experiment: towards observation of the Migdal effect in nuclear scattering
Henrique Araujo
3:10 PM
qBounce using Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy Dark Energy and Dark Matter searches
Jakob Micko
3:20 PM
Searching for Light Dark Matter with Aligned Carbon Nanotubes: the ANDROMeDa Project
Alice Apponi
(Università Roma Tre)
3:30 PM
Graphene-based Light Invisible Particle Search (GLIPS)
- Prof.
Jong-Chul Park
(Chungnam National University)
3:50 PM
New Directions in Direct Detection: Towards the Mesoscale
Carlos Blanco
4:00 PM
Fuelling the search for light dark matter-electron scattering
Louis Hamaide
(King's College London)
2:30 PM
Parallel 2D - Simulations/Cosmology
Julian Munoz
(Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
(until 4:30 PM)
2:30 PM
Lyman-alpha constraints on non-cold dark matter
Deanna Hooper
2:50 PM
Can we see dark matter substructure with stellar streams?
James Alvey
(University of Amsterdam)
3:10 PM
Fundamental dark matter physics with strong gravitational lenses
Daniel Gilman Dr
Daniel Gilman
3:30 PM
Shedding light on low-mass subhalo survival with numerical simulations
Alejandra Aguirre-Santaella
3:50 PM
Self-interacting dark matter on small and large scales
- Dr
Camila Correa
(University of Amsterdam)
4:10 PM
Characterizing DM substructures in strong lensing images with targeted simulation-based inference
Noemi Anau Montel
4:20 PM
Vortice Classification in Ultra-light Dark Matter Halos
Pedro Bittar
4:30 PM
--- Coffee break ---
5:00 PM
Parallel 2A - Direct detection I
Valentyna Mokina
(until 6:50 PM)
5:00 PM
Calibrating XENONnT and its novel water Cherenkov neutron-veto using tagged neutrons
Daniel Wenz
(Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
5:10 PM
iDM@IDM: Electron recoils from terrestrial upscattering of inelastic dark matter
Jonas Frerick
5:20 PM
LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) status
Alden Fan
5:40 PM
The DarkSide-20k TPC and underground argon cryogenic system
Thomas Nathan Thorpe
(University of California Los Angeles (US))
6:00 PM
Search for low mass WIMP dark matter with DarkSide-50
Masato Kimura
6:20 PM
Constraints on dark matter-nucleon effective couplings with DEAP-3600 and prospects for the next campaign
Vicente Pesudo Fortes
(Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y tecnológicas (CIEMAT))
5:00 PM
Parallel 2B - Axions
Karl van Bibber
(University of California Berkeley)
(until 6:40 PM)
5:00 PM
Probing ALPs at the LUXE experiment
Federico Meloni
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
5:20 PM
Axion-like particle as Cold Dark Matter candidate via the misalignment mechanism with the PQ symmetry unbroken during inflation
Paweł Kozów
5:40 PM
Searching for Wave-like Dark Matter with QSHS
Mitchell Perry
6:00 PM
The Investigating Solar Axion by Iron-57
Tomonori Ikeda
(Kyoto University)
6:10 PM
A search for 7Li solar axions with Li2MoO4 crystals in the AMoRE experiment
Jee Won Seo
(University of Science and Technology (UST))
6:20 PM
Can we really detect relic neutrinos?
Alexey Boyarsky
(Leiden University (NL))
5:00 PM
Parallel 2C - Direct detection II
Alexander Fuss
(until 7:00 PM)
5:00 PM
Dark matter: DAMA/LIBRA and its recent perspectives
Pierluigi Belli
5:20 PM
Some mysterious puzzles and the Axion Quark Nugget Dark Matter Model
Ariel Zhitnitsky
5:40 PM
ANAIS-112 annual modulation results and prospects to test DAMA/LIBRA beyond three-sigma
María Luisa Sarsa
(University of Zaragoza)
6:00 PM
COSINUS - Progressing towards shining light on the long-standing claim of DAMA/LIBRA
Karoline Julia Schaeffner
(Max-Planck Institute for Physics)
6:20 PM
A systematic study on the effects of Tl dopant contribution to quenching factor measurements in NaI crystals
Mukund Raghunath Bharadwaj
6:30 PM
Hidden dependencies in model independent tests of DAMA
Madeleine Zurowski
6:40 PM
Direct search of Dark Matter through the SABRE South experiment
Madeleine Zurowski
6:50 PM
Status and prospects of SABRE North
- Dr
Ambra Mariani
(Princeton University / INFN-LNGS)
5:00 PM
Parallel 2D - Simulations/Cosmology
Xiaoyong Chu
(Institute of High Energy Physics (Vienna, Austria))
(until 7:00 PM)
5:00 PM
Coherent to incoherent structures in fuzzy dark matter halos
- Dr
I-Kang (Gary) Liu
(School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom)
5:20 PM
Testing the mean field description of scalar field dark matter
Andrew Eberhardt
(Stanford University)
5:40 PM
Self-similar solutions for Fuzzy Dark Matter
Raquel Galazo
(IPhT - CEA)
5:50 PM
DarkHistory NN: Computing early universe exotic energy injection imprints with Neural Network
Yitian Sun
6:00 PM
Improved Treatment of Dark Matter Capture in Compact Stars
- Dr
Sandra Robles
(King's College London)
6:20 PM
Bouncing Dark Matter
Bibhushan Shakya
6:40 PM
Mergers as a Probe of Particle Dark Matter
Anupam Ray
7:00 PM
Poster session
(until 8:00 PM)
7:00 PM
A high performance piston pump for ultra-clean noble gas experiments
Philipp Schulte
(Institut für Kernphysik , Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster)
7:00 PM
Background model fitting in the LUX-ZEPLIN experiment
Aiham Al Musalhi
(University of Oxford)
7:00 PM
COSINUS projections for the cross-check of DAMA/LIBRA results
Vanessa Zema
7:00 PM
COSINUS water Cherenkov muon veto status and material screening results
Matthew Jake Stukel
(Gran Sasso Science Institute)
7:00 PM
Density functional theory guides the search for dark matter particles in direct detection experiments
Marek Matas
7:00 PM
Disentangling Sub-GeV DM from the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background using Hyper-Kamiokande
- Dr
Sandra Robles
(King's College London)
7:00 PM
ELOISE – Reliable background simulation at sub-keV energies
- Dr
Holger Martin Kluck
7:00 PM
Energy accumulation and releases in materials: general expectations and current results for NaI(Tl)
sergey pereverzev
7:00 PM
Energy calibration of the XENONnT Experiment
- Mr
Henning Schulze Eißing
(University of Münster)
7:00 PM
First measurement Results from DANAE – Demonstrating DePFET RNDR on a prototype Matrix
- Dr
Holger Martin Kluck
7:00 PM
How do the dynamics of the Milky Way - Large Magellanic Cloud system affect gamma-ray constraints on particle dark matter?
Christopher ECKNER
7:00 PM
Identification and Removal of Coincidence Backgrounds in the LUX-ZEPLIN experiment
Daniel Hunt
7:00 PM
Impact of nuclear structure on nuclear responses to WIMP elastic scattering
- Ms
Raghda Abdel Khaleq
(Australian National University (ANU))
7:00 PM
Influence of GEANT4 Physics List
- Dr
Holger Martin Kluck
7:00 PM
Levitated Systems for Directional Direct Dark Matter Detection
- Ms
Fiona Alder
7:00 PM
Low-energy effective description of dark Sp(4) theories
Marco Nikolic
7:00 PM
Multi-component dark sectors: the role of asymmetries and conversions
- Mr
Drona Vatsyayan
(Instituto de Fisíca Corpuscular, UV)
7:00 PM
Neutron simulation studies and their implications for CRESST
Alexander Fuss
7:00 PM
Paleo detectors for Dark Matter and Neutrinos
Sebastian Baum
(Stanford University)
7:00 PM
Photomultiplier Characterisation and its Impact on Background for SABRE South
Madeleine Zurowski
7:00 PM
Results from a broadband search for Hidden-Photon dark matter using a cryogenic dish and kinetic inductance parametric amplifiers
- Dr
Karthik Ramanathan
7:00 PM
Testing spin-dependent dark matter with lithium targets in CRESST-III
Felix Wagner
(HEPHY Vienna)
7:00 PM
The COSINUS experimental facility at Gran Sasso
- Dr
Martin Stahlberg
(Max Planck Institute for Physics)
7:00 PM
The Second Love Number of Dark Compact Planets and Neutron Stars with Dark Matter
Yannick Dengler
7:00 PM
Jens Burkhart
7:00 PM
Warm dark matter searches from the Galactic halo
Ariane Dekker
(University of Amsterdam)
7:00 PM
What surfaces in dark matter detectors
sergey pereverzev