7:00 PM
The Second Love Number of Dark Compact Planets and Neutron Stars with Dark Matter
Yannick Dengler
7:00 PM
The COSINUS experimental facility at Gran Sasso
Martin Stahlberg
(Max Planck Institute for Physics)
7:00 PM
Influence of GEANT4 Physics List
Holger Martin Kluck
7:00 PM
Photomultiplier Characterisation and its Impact on Background for SABRE South
Madeleine Zurowski
7:00 PM
First measurement Results from DANAE – Demonstrating DePFET RNDR on a prototype Matrix
Holger Martin Kluck
7:00 PM
Low-energy effective description of dark Sp(4) theories
Marco Nikolic
7:00 PM
Background model fitting in the LUX-ZEPLIN experiment
Aiham Al Musalhi
(University of Oxford)
7:00 PM
Energy calibration of the XENONnT Experiment
Henning Schulze Eißing
(University of Münster)
7:00 PM
Levitated Systems for Directional Direct Dark Matter Detection
Fiona Alder
7:00 PM
Testing spin-dependent dark matter with lithium targets in CRESST-III
Felix Wagner
(HEPHY Vienna)
7:00 PM
A high performance piston pump for ultra-clean noble gas experiments
Philipp Schulte
(Institut für Kernphysik , Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster)
7:00 PM
Multi-component dark sectors: the role of asymmetries and conversions
Drona Vatsyayan
(Instituto de Fisíca Corpuscular, UV)
7:00 PM
Warm dark matter searches from the Galactic halo
Ariane Dekker
(University of Amsterdam)
7:00 PM
COSINUS water Cherenkov muon veto status and material screening results
Matthew Jake Stukel
(Gran Sasso Science Institute)
7:00 PM
COSINUS projections for the cross-check of DAMA/LIBRA results
Vanessa Zema
7:00 PM
ELOISE – Reliable background simulation at sub-keV energies
Holger Martin Kluck
7:00 PM
Paleo detectors for Dark Matter and Neutrinos
Sebastian Baum
(Stanford University)
7:00 PM
Density functional theory guides the search for dark matter particles in direct detection experiments
Marek Matas
7:00 PM
Identification and Removal of Coincidence Backgrounds in the LUX-ZEPLIN experiment
Daniel Hunt
7:00 PM
Disentangling Sub-GeV DM from the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background using Hyper-Kamiokande
Sandra Robles
(King's College London)
7:00 PM
Impact of nuclear structure on nuclear responses to WIMP elastic scattering
Raghda Abdel Khaleq
(Australian National University (ANU))
7:00 PM
Results from a broadband search for Hidden-Photon dark matter using a cryogenic dish and kinetic inductance parametric amplifiers
Karthik Ramanathan
7:00 PM
How do the dynamics of the Milky Way - Large Magellanic Cloud system affect gamma-ray constraints on particle dark matter?
Christopher ECKNER
7:00 PM
Energy accumulation and releases in materials: general expectations and current results for NaI(Tl)
sergey pereverzev
7:00 PM
What surfaces in dark matter detectors
sergey pereverzev
7:00 PM
Neutron simulation studies and their implications for CRESST
Alexander Fuss
7:00 PM
Jens Burkhart