26–30 Jun 2022
Riva del Garda, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

A new design of stationary dual-energy CT baggage scanner with pi-angle sparsity using compressed-sensing reconstruction

27 Jun 2022, 17:25
Palavela (Riva del Garda)


Riva del Garda

Poster Poster


Mr Jiyong Shim (Yonsei University)


For homeland and aviation security applications, two-dimensional (2D) x-ray inspection systems have been widely used, but they have limitations in recognizing 3D shape of the hidden objects. Hence, there has been increasing demand for x-ray computed tomography (CT) scanner for carry-on baggage screening. In a previous study [1], SSTLabs developed a prototype stationary CT baggage scanner with 2pi-angle sparsity where 9 pairs of x-ray sources and dual-energy detectors (linear-typed) in the opposite direction were distributed at the same angular interval. Each pair of x-ray source and detector is arranged along the z-direction so that different projection view data can be collected while the carry-on baggage moves continuously on the conveyor belt. This type of CT scanner is suitable for routine carry-on baggage inspection. However, owing to the limited number of projection views, a conventional CT reconstruction algorithm such as filtered backprojection (FBP) produces severe streak artifacts. In this study, we propose a new design of stationary dual-energy CT baggage scanner with pi-angle sparsity using compressed-sensing (CS) reconstruction for improving the image quality. The CS is a state-of-the-art mathematical theory for solving the inverse problems, which exploits the sparsity of the image with substantially high accuracy [2]. Figure 1 shows the proposed design of a stationary dual-energy CT baggage scanner with pi-angle sparsity of 15 projection views and preliminary simulation results of a numerical baggage phantom (300×300×100) obtained using the FBP and CS reconstruction algorithms. More systematic and quantitative simulation and experimental results will be presented in the paper.

Primary author

Mr Jiyong Shim (Yonsei University)


Mr Younsu Jung (Yonsei University) Mr Duhee Jeon (Yonsei University) Ms Hyeseon Yang (Yonsei University) Mr Yonghwan Lim (Yonsei University) Prof. Hyosung Cho (Yonsei University) Prof. Changwoo Seo (Yonsei University) Dr Kang Yun Choi (SSTLabs Co. Ltd) Mr Cheol Soo Sone (SSTLabs Co. Ltd) Mr Min Seop Jang (SSTLabs Co Ltd)

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