26–30 Jun 2022
Riva del Garda, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Silicon-Carbide detectors operating at increased temperatures

27 Jun 2022, 16:41
Palavela (Riva del Garda)


Riva del Garda

Poster Poster


Norbert Gál (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences)


The 4H-SiC is a wide band gap semiconductor, the detector structures made of which are capable of operation at higher temperatures. In this article, we present an experimental result of 4H-SiC detectors operating at temperatures up to 500 °C. The polytype 4H-SiC has the band gap energy of 3.23 eV at room temperature. Moreover, this material has excellent physical and chemical stability and also breakdown voltage (3-5×106 Vcm-1) and high carrier saturation velocity (2×107 cms-1). In our previous works we studied electrical and spectrometric performance of fabricated SiC detectors showing a very promising properties for working in radiation harsh environments [1, 2].
In this contribution we are concentrating on electric properties and spectrometric performance of the detectors operating at very high temperatures up to 500 °C. The precise temperature stabilization was achieved by a low-noise custom microcontroller-controlled system with a PID loop using ceramic heaters in the customized vacuum chamber. At first the current-voltage characteristics were measured. The leakage current at 300 V was 1 pA and 10 nA at RT and 500 °C, respectively. The detectors also show a very little temperature dependence of the energy resolution of α-particle peak generated by 238Pu radioisotope. Fig. 1 demonstrates the comparison of α-particle spectra measured at 25 and 500 °C, respectively. The calculated energy resolution in FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) increases from 34 keV at RT up to 36 keV at 500 °C. In summary we can state that the 4H-SiC detector is a good candidate for high resolution α-particles spectroscopy in a wide range of increased temperatures.

Primary author

Norbert Gál (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences)


Andrea Sagatova (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava) Dr Gabriel Vanko (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences) Eva Kováčová (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences) Bohus Zatko (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences)

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