26–30 Jun 2022
Riva del Garda, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Quantum efficiency measurements of FBK sensors with optimized entrance window for soft X-Rays

27 Jun 2022, 17:02
Palavela (Riva del Garda)


Riva del Garda

Poster Poster


Maria del Mar Carulla Areste


Single photon detection of X-rays in the energy range from 250 eV to 1 keV for hybrid detectors is difficult due to two main reasons, namely the low quantum efficiency (QE) and the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Combining LGADs technology, which will increase the SNR, with an optimized entrance window (EW) technology for soft X-rays will allow hybrid detectors to become a useful tool also for soft X-ray detection.

In the present work, the QE of single pad silicon p-i-n diodes with nine different EW variations is studied. The sensors were characterized at the Surface Interfaces Microscopy (SIM) beamline of the Swiss Light Source (SLS) using soft X-rays ranging from 200 eV to 1250 eV. From the investigation, a QE of 62.5% at 250 eV is obtained with one of the variations.

In addition, the QE of inverse LGADs (iLGAD) with a thin entrance window were also investigated. The first measurements show QE values, which are similar to the optimized QE technology for p-on-n sensors without multiplication, thus demonstrating the feasibility of implementing optimized QE technology into LGAD technology. Further studies on the iLGADs optimized for soft X-rays, in particular their gain variation as a function of the photon absorption depth, will be presented as well.



Konstantinos Moustakas (Paul Scherrer Institut) Davide Mezza (Paul Scherrer Institut) Pawel Kozlowski (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut) Viktoria Hinger (Paul Scherrer Institut) Julian Heymes (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dominic Greiffenberg (Paul Scherrer Institut) Erik Fröjdh (Paul Scherrer Institut) Roberto Dinapoli (Paul Scherrer Institut) Martin Brückner (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut) Aldo Mozzanica (Paul Scherrer Institut)

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