26–30 Jun 2022
Riva del Garda, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Characterisation of the noise performance of the HEXITEC-MHz ASIC

27 Jun 2022, 17:00
Palavela (Riva del Garda)


Riva del Garda

Poster Poster


Ben Cline


STFC has begun work on a new generation of detector technology, capable of operating at MHz frame rates. The HEXITEC-MHz ASIC, developed for the HEXITEC-MHz detector system, is the first of these technologies and allows spectroscopic X-ray imaging up to frame rates of 1 MHz. At this frame rate it is possible to record per-pixel X-ray spectra for X-ray fluxes of >10$^{6}$ photons mm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$, a 100× improvement over the original HEXITEC ASIC [1].

The ASIC is optimised for the detection of electron signals from materials including CdTe, CdZnTe, GaAs, and p-type Si and comprises an array of 80 × 80 pixels on a pitch of 250 μm. This array is divided into 8-pixel regions (2 × 4 pixels) called Super-Pixels. Each individual pixel is capable of measuring single X-ray photons with energies up to 200 keV and is readout, following in-pixel 12-bit digitisation via a time-to-digital converter with timing shared on a per Super-Pixel level. Digitised data is output over 20 serial outputs which operate at 4.1 GHz using the Aurora protocol. These specifications will allow the ASIC to be utilised across a broad range of applications, including energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction (EDXRD) [2], X-ray computed tomography [3], solar physics [4], and in studies of the chemical dynamics of the charge-discharge cycle of batteries [5] and alloy impurities [6].

In this paper, preliminary results relating to the characterisation of the HEXITEC-MHz ASIC and hybrid detectors will be presented. Test pulse measurements of bare ASICs, in which a voltage pulse is used to inject charge into individual preamplifiers, were carried out and equivalent Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of ~750 eV in CdZnTe were measured at ~100 keV. These results will be presented alongside studies into the variation in performance across each device and the spectroscopic performance of hybrid detectors.

[1]M.C. Veale et al., HEXITEC: A high-energy X-ray spectroscopy imaging detector for synchrotron applications, Synchrotron Radiat. News 31 (2018) 28.

[2]D. O’Flynn et al., Pixelated diffraction signatures for explosive detection, Proc. SPIE 8357 (2012) 83570X.

[3]C. Egan et al., 3D elemental mapping of materials and structures by laboratory scale spectroscopic X-ray tomography, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 849 (2017) 012013.

[4]D. Ryan et al., Modelling and measuring charge sharing in hard X-ray imagers using HEXITEC CdTe detectors, Proc. SPIE 10397 (2017) 1039702.

[5]T. Connolley et al., An operando spatially resolved study of alkaline battery discharge using a novel hyperspectral detector and X-ray tomography, J. Appl. Cryst. 53 (2020) 1434.

[6]S. Feng et al., Nucleation bursts of primary intermetallic crystals in a liquid Al alloy studied using in situ synchrotron X-ray radiography, Acta Mater. 221 (2021) 117389.

Primary authors

Andreas Schneider (STFC-RAL) Ben Cline Chris Day Christian Angelsen (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Mr David Sole (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Ivan Church (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)) Mr John Holden (Science and Technology Facilities Council) John Lipp Mr Joseph Nobes (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Lawrence Jones Marcus Julian French (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) Mark Lyndon Prydderch (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) Mr Matt Roberts (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Matthew Hart (STFC) Matthew Veale (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) Matthew Wilson (STFC) Paul Seller (RAL) Mr Simon Cross (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Thomas Gardiner Tim Nicholls (STFC (RAL)) maged Sallam

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