The JUNGFRAU detector is a now established hybrid pixel detector developed at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), featuring 75 µm pixel pitch with a charge integrating dynamic gain switching architecture [1] designed for FEL applications [2]. Optionally, the dynamic gain switching mechanism can be bypassed, and the detector can operate with a fixed feedback capacitor in the pre-amplifier.
Originally designed to cope with the SwissFEL 10 Hz pulse rate, it is however endowed with an array of 16 analog memory cells per pixel, which makes it possible to store more than one image per pulse train at a ‘burst’ repetition rate greater than 100 kfps.
The possibility to tap into the so-called ‘burst’ operation mode, would allow the scientific instruments to exploit more efficiently the European XFEL (EuXFEL) pulse train structure.
Clear beneficiaries of the 16-memory cell operation would be the serial femtosecond protein crystallography experiments, which, with an increased throughput, can make better and more efficient use of the sample. Many pump-and-probe experiments would also benefit greatly from the possibility of correlating on a pulse-by-pulse basis measurements performed with JUNGFRAU with ones performed with other pulse-resolving detectors available at the facility, like the LPD and the AGIPD.
However, due to the uniqueness of the bunch structure within the train at EuXFEL, the 16-memory cell operation mode has never been fully tested before and characterized in conditions comparable to the ones available at our facility.
Therefore, we will present the current status of the implementation of the 16-memory cell operation mode at the European XFEL and the issues we have encountered, focusing on the detector characterization, and the consequent path towards the establishment of a validated calibration procedure. First preliminary results from a standard sample crystallography measurement will also be presented.
[1] Mozzanica A. et al., Synchrotron Radiation News 31, 16 (2018)
[2] Redford S. et al, JINST 13, C11006 (2018)