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26–30 Jun 2022
Riva del Garda, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The PERCIVAL 2-Megapixel soft X-ray CMOS Imager – Status and Prospects

28 Jun 2022, 11:30
Room Garda (Riva del Garda, Italy)

Room Garda

Riva del Garda, Italy

Riva del Garda Congress Centre Loc. Parco Lido 1 I - 38066 Riva del Garda (TN)


Cornelia Wunderer (DESY)


The PERCIVAL soft X-ray 2-Megapixel CMOS imager has been developed by a collaboration of light sources and RAL to meet experimental needs at todays Synchrotron and FEL soft X-ray sources. Systems have been in operation at two collaboration facilities, and are currently under commissioning at two more.
First user experiments at FLASH and Petra III’s soft X-ray beamline P04 have demonstrated the system’s potential, with new parameter space and experiments becoming accessible primarily thanks to Percival’s high dynamic range (single-photon discrimination at 250eV to full well of 3.6Me-) and comparatively high frame rate (83 Hz achieved with current DAQ firmware, 300Hz aim) over a large area.
The first-generation sensor has some shortcomings, primarily due to crosstalk – these are currently being addressed in a redesign of the Silicon layout. In parallel, we are upgrading DAQ hard- and firmware and head mechanics, and addressing sensor nonlinearities in improved calibration.
We will report on the status of the project, give an overview of user experiments performed, and describe the sensor and system upgrades in progress.

Primary authors

Cornelia Wunderer (DESY) Kai Bagschik (DESY) Riccardo Battistelli (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin) Hela BenAhmed (DESY) Felix Buettner (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin) Giuseppe Cautero (Elettra) Jonathan Correa Arkadiusz Dawiec (Synchrotron SOLEIL) Viktor Felk (DESY) Sergei Fridman (DESY) Seung-gi Gang (DESY) Dario Giuressi (Elettra) Alan Greer (Observatory Sciences Ltd) Nicola Carlo Guerrini Toko Hirono (DESY) Helmut Hirsemann (DESY) Moritz Hoesch (DESY) Hyojung Hyun (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Barbara Keitel (DESY) Konstantin Kharitonov (DESY) Kyungsook Kim (Pohang Accelerator Lab) Seonghan Kim (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Frantisek Krivan (DESY) Sabine Lange (Desy) Alessandro Marras (DESY) Ben Marsh (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) Masoud Mehrjoo (DESY) Ralf Hendrik Menk (Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste) Tim Nicholls (STFC (RAL)) William Nichols (Diamond Light Source) Frank Okrent (DESY, X-Spectrum) Fabienne Orsini (Soleil) Rui Pan (DESY) Sangyoun Park (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Ulrik Kofoed Pedersen (Diamond Light Source) Bastian Pfau (Max-Born-Institut) Elke Ploenjes (DESY) Mabel Ruiz-Lopes (DESY) Iain Sedgwick Igor Shevyakov (DESY) Luigi Stebel (Elettra) Nicola Tartoni Vahagn Vardanyan (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Heinz Graafsma (DESY)

Presentation materials