The construction of a cylindrical hybrid spectrometer for the measurement of angular correlations in electron-positron emissions from nuclear internal pair creations is on going at the Van de Graaff accelerator of the Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics of Czech Technical University in Prague. Each module of the spectrometer consists of three different detection layers, formed by a Timepix3 detector [1] in the innermost layer, followed by a Multiwire Proportional Counter (MWPC) in the middle layer and a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) [2] in the outermost. While the needed angular resolution will be provided by the Timepix3 along with the MWPC, the energy resolution will be given by the TPC, under a magnetic field provided by permanent magnets. A good particle identification will be needed for an effective background suppression.
For this project, the performance of all three types of detectors in suitable geometrical configurations is under study. In this work, results with the Timepix3 detectors and with a TPC prototype will be reported. To address the target position determination and the angular correlation measurement capability, a triangle of synchronised Timepix3 detectors mounted on a vacuum chamber, surrounding a fluorine target bombarded with protons at e- e+ creation resonant energies was used as a model for the future inner layer of the spectrometer. We will show the main results obtained so far and a discussion on some geometrical aspects. Regarding the TPC, the current status of the integration of the SAMPA chip [3] in CERN's scalable readout system, carried out in the High Energy Physics and Instrumentation Center of the University of São Paulo, will be reported and the results of the reconstruction of the first cosmic tracks with a prototype mounted in Prague will be presented.