19–22 Apr 2022
University of Bern
Europe/Zurich timezone

Beautiful and Charming Energy Correlators (remote)

19 Apr 2022, 16:30
Room 201, Hauptgebäude (University of Bern)

Room 201, Hauptgebäude

University of Bern


Dr Bianka Meçaj (Yale University)


Many searches for New Physics and precision measurements in QCD involve the study of jet substructure for final state hadrons. While traditionally the state of the art for studying jets at particle colliders have been event shape observables, recently it has been better understood that measuring correlation functions of energy flow operators inside a jet is in fact a very powerful tool for phenomenology which also naturally stems from first principles of quantum field theory. In many cases this makes it possible to take advantage of certain useful symmetries from the theory.

In this work we use the soft-collinear effective theory to study the energy-energy correlators for charm and bottom quark fragmentation, extending studies on massless QCD jets. The presence of the mass introduces an additional scale, which is detected by the correlator, providing a clean manifestation of the dead cone effect. We compute the heavy-quark jet function and present a factorization formula for the process, which we use to perform a next-to-leading-log resummation of the large logarithms.

Our extension of energy correlators to heavy flavor opens many opportunities for precision studies of fragmentation with jet substructure.

Primary authors

Dr Bianka Meçaj (Yale University) Prof. Ian Moult (Yale University) Dr Kyle Lee

Presentation materials