SCET Workshop 2022

from Tuesday, 19 April 2022 (09:00) to Friday, 22 April 2022 (13:30)
University of Bern

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
19 Apr 2022
20 Apr 2022
21 Apr 2022
22 Apr 2022
NGL and Glauber (until 10:30) (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
09:00 Resummation of Super-Leading Logarithms - Matthias Neubert   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
09:30 Glauber Resummation - Michel Stillger (JGU Mainz)   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
10:00 Two-loop anomalous dimension for the resummation of non-global observables - Xu Xiaofeng   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
NGL and Glauber (until 12:30) (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
11:00 Next-to-leading non-global 
logarithms from jet calculus - Pier Francesco Monni (CERN)   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
11:30 A NNLL Evolution Equation for Regge Amplitudes - Sanjay Raman   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
12:00 An EFT derivation of the saturation scale (remote) - Varun Vaidya   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
NNNLL and NNLO (until 10:30) (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
09:00 The Drell-Yan $q_T$ Spectrum and Its Uncertainty at N$^3$LL$'$ - Johannes Michel (MIT CTP)   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
09:30 Di-lepton Rapidity Distribution in Drell-Yan Production at N3LO in QCD - Tongzhi Yang   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
10:00 Next-to-next-to-leading order parton distribution functions using LCPT - Yair Mulian   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
10:30 --- Coffe Break ---
NLP (until 12:30) (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
11:00 NLP Endpoint Factorization and Resummation for Off-Diagonal Channels - Julian Strohm   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
11:30 Finite-t and Mass Corrections in Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering - Yao Ji   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
12:00 Resummmation Beyond Next-to-leading Logarithms at Subleading Power in $h\to\gamma\gamma$ Decay - Xing Wang   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
Other (until 10:30) (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
09:00 High-precision measurement of the W-mass at CDF II (remote) - Chris Hays (University of Oxford (GB))   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
09:30 Heaviside functions and the same-hemisphere triple-gluon contribution to the zero-jettiness soft function at N3LO QCD - Chen-Yu Wang (TTP, KIT)   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
10:00 The photon energy spectrum in B➞Xₛγ at N³LL' - Ivan Novikov (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Other (until 12:30) (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
11:00 Soft-collinear gravity beyond leading power - Patrick Hager   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
11:30 Radiative corrections to charged-current neutrino scattering at GeV energies (remote) - Oleksandr Tomalak   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
12:00 Simulating collider physics on quantum computers using SCET - Marat Freytsis (Rutgers University)   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
Asian and European Social Meetup (until 12:30) (hosted by Hua Xing Zhu [Gather Town])
12:00 --- Registration ---
Jets and event shapes (until 15:30) (Room 201, Hauptgebäude)
13:00 Zero-jettiness resummation for top-quark pair production at the LHC - Matthew Lim (Universita' di Milano-Bicocca)   (Room 201, Hauptgebäude)
13:30 Extending Precision Perturbative QCD with Track Functions (remote) - Yibei Li   (Room 201, Hauptgebäude)
14:00 Dissecting the collinear structure of quark splitting at NNLL - Basem El-Menoufi   (Room 201, Hauptgebäude)
14:30 Sudakov Shoulders in Thrust and Heavy Jet Mass - Arindam Bhattacharya   (Room 201, Hauptgebäude)
15:00 QCD anatomy of photon-isolation - Samuel Clément Favrod   (Room 201, Hauptgebäude)
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Jets and event shapes (until 18:00) (Room 201, Hauptgebäude)
16:00 Power Counting Energy Flow Polynomials - Pedro Cal   (Room 201, Hauptgebäude)
16:30 Beautiful and Charming Energy Correlators (remote) - Dr Bianka Meçaj (Yale University)   (Room 201, Hauptgebäude)
17:00 A new paradigm for precision top mass measurement: Weighing the top with energy correlators - Dr Aditya Pathak (University of Manchester)   (Room 201, Hauptgebäude)
17:30 Conformal Colliders Meet the LHC with Fragmenting Jet Functions (remote) - Kyle Lee   (Room 201, Hauptgebäude)
18:30 --- Welcome reception ---
Americas Social Meetup (until 22:00) (hosted by Chris Lee [Gather Town])
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
TMDs and PDFs (until 16:00) (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
14:00 Factorization connecting TMDs in SCET and lattice QCD - Stella Schindler   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
14:30 Precision Phenomenology of Unpolarized Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering in Effective Field Theory - Justin Lieffers   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
15:00 TMD operator expansion at NLP - Ignazio Scimemi   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
15:30 TMD distributions at the next-to-leading power - Alexey Vladimirov   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
TMDs and PDFs (until 18:10) (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
16:30 Factorization for Subleading Power TMD Observables - Anjie Gao   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
17:00 Quasi Transverse Momentum Dependent correlator @ next-to-leading power - Simone Rodini (University of Regensburg)   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
17:30 Towards lattice calculations of double parton distributions - Max Jaarsma (Universiteit van Amsterdam)   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
NNNLL and NNLO (until 16:00) (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
14:00 Analytic two-loop soft and beam functions for leading-jet p_T - Samuel Abreu (CERN)   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
14:30 An automated framework to calculate jet and beam functions at NNLO (remote) - Marcel Wald (University of Siegen)   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
15:00 Effective transverse momentum in multiple jet production at hadron colliders - Jürg Andreas Haag   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
15:30 Differential Distributions beyond N3LO (remote) - Dr Gherardo Vita (SLAC)   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
TMDs and PDFs (until 18:00) (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
16:30 Rapidity evolution of TMDs with running coupling (remote) - Ian Balitsky   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
17:00 Pseudo- and quasi-PDFs in the BFKL approximation (remote) - Giovanni Antonio Chirilli   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
17:30 TMDs in dijet and heavy hadron pair production at EIC (remote) - Rafael F. del Castillo   (Room 220, Hauptgebäude)
19:00 --- Conference Dinner ---
12:30 --- End of conference ---