19–22 Apr 2022
University of Bern
Europe/Zurich timezone

TMD operator expansion at NLP

20 Apr 2022, 15:00
Room 220, Hauptgebäude (University of Bern)

Room 220, Hauptgebäude

University of Bern


Ignazio Scimemi


The understanding of cross sections differential in transverse momenta are known to be factorizable with TMD in the low energy spectrum. In order achieve a complete description it is necessary to explore the power expansion that allows this factorization beyond the leading order. We have have recently considered a systematic method to perform the power expansion and the complete basis of next-to-leading power operators is obtained, together with hard factors and evolution beyond leading order. I will talk about this result. The details of evolution are then discussed by A. Vladimirov in a related talk.

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