2:00 PM
Gas recirculation systems for RPC detectors: from LHC experiments to laboratory set-ups
Beatrice Mandelli
2:05 PM
Design and performance study of a sealed mosaic high-rate MRPC
Qiunan Zhang
2:10 PM
Study of industrial epoxy resins with graphene nanotubes for the realization of low resistivity electrodes of RPC detectors
Alessandro Rocchi
(INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
2:20 PM
Measurements of fluoride production in Resistive Plate Chambers
Gianluca Rigoletti
(Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
2:25 PM
An effective method for measuring the stiffness of a sealed vessel that can be applied to RPC gas volumes.
Barbara Liberti
(INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
Enrico Pastori
(INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
2:35 PM
Timing RPC for thermal neutron detection with 3D position sensitivity
Luís Margato
(LIP-Coimbra, Departamento de Física, Universidade de Coimbra)
2:40 PM
Prototype of Industrialized RPC for J-PARC E50 experiment
Chia-Yu Hsieh
(Academia Sinica (TW))
2:50 PM
Oil-free bakelite Resistive Plate Chambers- A solution to several age old problems.
Rajesh Ganai
(GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
2:55 PM
Development of new offline analysis for the monitoring of RPC detector at the ATLAS experiment parameters during LHC Run3
Antonio Giannini
(University of Science and Technology of China (CN))
3:00 PM
The readout panels for the BI-RPC project for ATLAS phase 2 upgrade
Marco Schioppa
(Universita degli Studi della Calabria)
Marco Schioppa
(Universita della Calabria e INFN (IT))
3:10 PM
Test of materials for the production of thin-gap RPCs
Timur Turkovic
(Max-Planck-Institut für Physik)
Timur Turkovic
(Max Planck Society (DE))
3:15 PM
Gas gain properties of the CMS iRPC chamber
Tahany Elhussieny Abdelhameid
(ENHEP Egyptian Network of High Energy Physics (EG))
3:15 PM
Characterization and Simulation of Glass Multigap RPCs
Severiano Carpinteyro Bernardino
(Universidad Iberoamericana (MX))
3:40 PM
CMS iRPC Backend and Front-End Electronics joint test
Jianing Song
(Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
3:40 PM
Strip Printed Circuit Board - PCB validation and properties for CMS iRPC during Phase 2 Upgrade
Gustave Pacome Garde
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
3:41 PM
New RPC Link System Remote Programming for the CMS Phase 2 Upgrade
Behzad Boghrati
(Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IR))
3:42 PM
New Slow Control Emulator for the CMS Phase 2 Upgrade of the RPC Link System
Behzad Boghrati
(Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IR))
3:43 PM
CMS Phase 2 Upgrade of the RPC Link System - Review of the Link Board and Control Board firmware and System validation
Behzad Boghrati
(Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IR))
3:44 PM
Development of a sealed MRPC with high time resolution
Kai Sun
(Tsinghua University)
3:45 PM
RPC based tracking system at CERN GIF++ facility
Kevin Mota Amarilo
(Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
3:46 PM
Edge Effects in the CMS iRPC detectors
CMS Collaboration
3:47 PM
An FPGA-based clusterization algorithm for the CMS iRPC detector
Qingfeng Hou
(Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
3:48 PM
ML-based tool for CMS RPC currents quality monitoring
Elton Shumka
(University of Sofia - St. Kliment Ohridski (BG))
3:49 PM
Angular Dependence of Cosmic Muon Flux - Experimental Measurement and Simulation
Souvik Chattopadhay
(Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata)
3:50 PM
Marco Antonio Dıaz Maldonado
(Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM)
3:51 PM
Development of Hybrid Resistive Plate Chambers
Burak Bilki
(Beykent University (TR), The University of Iowa (US))
3:52 PM
Signal Integrality Analysis of Sealed MRPC for Muongraphy
daming liu
(Tsinghua University)
3:53 PM
A new scheme and first results for the implementation of a low-cost Gas recirculation system for the RPCs chamber.
Barbara Liberti
(INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
Enrico Pastori
(INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
3:54 PM
Aging studies for the CMS Improved Resistive Plate Chambers
Mapse Barroso Ferreira Filho
(Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR))