The IceCube Neutrino Observatory located near the geographical South Pole has measured the spectra of high-energy atmospheric and astrophysical neutrinos. Using the data collected over more than ten years, IceCube has performed searches for new neutrino forces, partners, and space-time symmetries have been performed. This talk will review recent results on beyond Standard Model measurements...
nuBDX-DRIFT is a directional low-pressure TPC detector suitable for measurements of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) using a variety of gaseous target materials which include carbon disulfide, carbon tetrafluoride and tetraethyllead. In this talk, I will briefly discuss various aspects of the physics opportunities that measurements using the LBNF beamline offer. Special...
I show that a nonstandard cosmological history with a period of early matter domination driven by a sub-TeV visible-sector particle can arise rather naturally. This scenario involves a long-lived standard model singlet that acquires a thermal abundance at high temperatures from decays and inverse decays of a parent particle with SM charge(s), and subsequently dominates the energy density of...
One signature of an expanding universe is the time-variation of the cosmological abundances of its different components. For example, a radiation-dominated universe inevitably gives way to a matter-dominated universe, and critical moments such as matter-radiation equality are fleeting. In this talk, we point out that this lore is not always correct, and that it is possible to obtain a form of...
Low mass fast moving/energetic dark matter (DM) is very well motivated and has been a subject of attention in the literature. These fast-moving particles can gain enough kinetic energy to pass the thresholds of some Large volume terrestrial detectors. For instance, fast-moving or "boosted" DM can account for the recent excess in electron recoil events observed by the XENON1T detector, due to...
Dark matter is known to make up more than 75% of matters of the universe. However, its nature remains to be unveiled. Over the several decades, extensive studies have been done on the weak scale mass regime, but there have been no positive results thus far. This naturally led to an interest in the dark matter models in areas other than the weak scale.
The Deep Underground Neutrino...
Recent discoveries of a new scalar boson, the gravitational wave and the black hole greatly advance our understanding of the nature of the universe. The 95% of the universe, however, is yet to be uncovered. Of these is the dark matter thought to make up about a quarter of the universe. Dark matter has been searched both directly and indirectly. Direct searches have hard bounds in the low...
We explore the effective field theory of a vector field X_mu that has a Stückelberg mass. The absence of a gauge symmetry for X implies Lorentz-invariant operators are constructed directly from X_mu. Beyond the kinetic and mass terms, allowed interactions at the renormalizable level include X^4, H^2 X^2 and X^mu j_mu, where j_mu is a global current of the SM or of a hidden sector. We show that...
Transit spectroscopy is the primary tool for inferring the physical parameters and the atmospheric chemical composition of extrasolar planets. I will discuss some recently proposed AI-inspired techniques for exoplanet parameter retrievals, including dimensional analysis, vector component analysis, exploratory data analysis, feature engineering, dimensionality reduction and manifold learning,...
Simulation of particle interactions with detector material, especially in the calorimeters are very time-consuming and resource intensive. In the upcoming LHC runs, these could provide a bottleneck that severely limits our analysis capabilities.
In recent years, approaches based on deep generative models have provided a fresh alternative to "classical" fast simulation. In this talk, I present...
This presentation discusses searches for heavy particles by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The talk discusses a motivation for such searches and the experimental challenges to discover heavy particles in the mass range from 400 GeV to 8 TeV using jets, leptons and missing transverse energy. The presented experimental limits use the LHC Run 2 dataset...
Many extensions of the standard model (SM) predict the existence of weakly-coupled particles that have a long lifetime. These long-lived particles (LLPs) often provide striking displaced signatures in detectors, thus escaping the conventional searches for prompt particles and remaining largely unexplored at the LHC. I will discuss the broad search program for LLPs enabled by the unique...
In this talk, we point out a novel signature of physics beyond the Standard Model which could potentially be observed both at the LHC and at future colliders. This signature, which emerges naturally within many proposed extensions of the Standard Model, results from the multiple displaced vertices associated with the successive decays of unstable, long-lived particles along the same decay...
Science is entering a new era in the investigation of nuclear matter,
driven by a wealth of precision data from the JLab, HERA, RHIC, & LHC
experiments. The nCTEQ project employs advanced theoretical techniques
to analyze these data sets comprehensively. While this analysis is
performed within the framework of the QCD parton model, we leverage
methods and results from Lattice QCD, Machine...
The Hubble tension is a result of variations between the late-Universe measurements of $H_0$ and those inferred from early-Universe physics measurements. Many solutions have been proposed to address this tension; among the most successful are alterations to the early-Universe physics such as Early Dark Energy (EDE). However, each of these proposed solutions mitigate the tension at the expense...
Large self interactions between dark matter particles allow for efficient heat transfer within a dark matter halo, altering halo properties from LCDM predictions and thereby potentially alleviating small-scale structure formation puzzles. These properties can be explored using a semianalytic approach in which the halo is modeled as a gravothermal fluid. In this talk, I will describe the phases...
Asteroid-mass primordial black holes (PBH) can explain the observed dark matter abundance while being consistent with the current indirect detection constraints. These PBH can produce gamma-ray signals from Hawking radiation that are within the sensitivity of future measurements by the AMEGO and e-ASTROGAM experiments. PBH which give rise to such observable gamma-ray signals have a cosmic...
Lepton flavour universality violation (LFUV) continues to be indicated by results in the B-meson sector. Especially LHCb's measurement of the charged channel R(D) & R(D), as well as neutral channel R(K) & R(K) anomalies hint at the existence of BSM physics explaining this LFUV.
This talk covers a variety of searches of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at $\sqrt{s}=13\,$TeV that have been...
For several years, various experimental results on B meson decays show persistent discrepancies with respect to Standard Model expectations. Discrepancies are observed in branching ratios, angular distributions, and lepton flavor universality ratios. I will review the status of the discrepancies, discuss possible new physics explanations, and outline how a high-energy muon collider could test...
We study the CP-violating top Yukawa coupling at a future muon collider with energies of 1, 3, 10, and 30 TeV. The processes under consideration are $t\bar th$ , $t\bar th\nu\bar\nu$, and $tbh\nu\mu$. As we will show, at different energies the different processes dominate. Additionally, each process has a different dependence on the CP-violating top Yukawa. We will project 2$\sigma$...
Searching for new sources of CPV and uncovering the mechanism behind EWSB are cornerstones of the LHC program and forthcoming experiments, such as FCC and LISA. First, we show how collider measurements and observations of stochastic gravitational-wave signals can complement each other to explore the multiform scalar potential in the 2HDM. The well-motivated 2HDM leads to a rich phase...
The dark matter distribution in dwarf galaxies holds a wealth of information on the fundamental properties and interactions of the dark matter particle. We study whether ultralight boson dark matter is consistent with the gravitational potential extracted from stellar kinematics. We use velocity dispersion measurements from six classical dwarf galaxies to show that axion-like particles with...
Observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) have played an essential role in shaping our understanding of the history, evolution, and contents of the universe. CMB surveys planned over the next decade will map the microwave sky with unprecedented precision. I will discuss how these forthcoming observations will provide characteristically new insights into particle physics and...
If ultra-light axion-like particles exist in nature, they might manifest themselves as a cosmological axion string network that fills the universe today. Such a string network is expected to leave a distinctive imprint on the polarization pattern of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation. A coupling between axions and electromagnetism causes a photon’s plane of polarization to rotate as...
The detection of the cosmic neutrino background (CvB) is an outstanding problem in particle physics and cosmology. We propose a new way to detect CvB via resonant scattering against cosmogenic GZK neutrinos, which leads to an attenuation of the GZK neutrino flux. However, to have any observable effect, we need significant CvB overdensity along the line-of-sight. This might be feasible in...
NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment designed to observe electron neutrino appearance in a muon neutrino beam. It consists of a near detector at Fermilab and a 14-kt far detector 810 km away in northern Minnesota, both exposed to the NuMI beam. In this talk, I will review recent results from NOvA, including measurements of the neutrino oscillation parameters based on a...
One of the most important achievements in the field of particle physics was the discovery of neutrino oscillations.
Despite already awarded Nobel Prize, neutrino oscillation experiments still have a lot to offer, primarily the discovery
of CP violation in the lepton sector is anticipated. The expression for neutrino oscillation probabilities is composed
of neutrino mixing parameters and...
The ICARUS collaboration employed the 760-ton T600 detector in a successful three-year physics run at the underground LNGS laboratories studying neutrino oscillations with the CNGS neutrino beam from CERN, and searching for atmospheric neutrino interactions. ICARUS performed a sensitive search for LSND-like anomalous νe appearance in the CNGS beam, which contributed to the constraints on the...
The nature of CP violation in the lepton sector is one of the biggest open questions in particle physics. Long-baseline accelerator neutrino experiments have the opportunity to determine if CP is violated in the mass matrix. I will look at the most recent NOvA and T2K data which show a slight and very interesting tension. While this tension possibly indicates a flipping in the mass ordering,...
We will discuss how to systematically study physics beyond the standard model (BSM) in the neutrino experiments within the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) framework. In this way, the analysis of the data can capture large classes of models, where the new degrees of freedom have masses well above the relevant energy of the experiment. Moreover, it allows us to compare several...
When a burst of neutrinos from a core-collapse supernova (CCSN) passes by the Earth, it causes a permanent change in the local space-time metric, called the gravitational wave (GW) memory. Long considered unobservable, this effect will be detectable in the near future, at deci-Hertz GW interferometers. I will present a novel idea, where observations of the neutrino GW memory from CCSNe will...
I will discuss the possibility that the coupling constants are dynamical quantities which take different values during early cosmological epochs. In particular, I will show that such scenarios (focused on the gauge couplings of either the SU(2) or SU(3) SM interactions) can have a profound effect on the production of dark matter through various mechanisms, resulting in different expectations...
We explore the direct Higgs-top CP structure via the $pp \to t\bar{t}h$ channel with machine learning techniques, considering the clean $h \to \gamma\gamma$ final state at the high luminosity LHC~(HL-LHC). We show that a combination of a comprehensive set of observables, that includes the $t\bar{t}$ spin-correlations, with mass minimization strategies to reconstruct the $t\bar{t}$ rest frame...
In this talk, I introduce observables for identification of quantum interference effects in jets from the interference of gluon states with distinct color quantum numbers. These effects are exclusively beyond the leading-color approximation, and so can have important consequences for fixed-order predictions or parton shower modeling that includes full-color physics.