Collider: Precision
- K.C. Kong
Lepton flavour universality violation (LFUV) continues to be indicated by results in the B-meson sector. Especially LHCb's measurement of the charged channel R(D) & R(D), as well as neutral channel R(K) & R(K) anomalies hint at the existence of BSM physics explaining this LFUV.
This talk covers a variety of searches of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at $\sqrt{s}=13\,$TeV that have been...
For several years, various experimental results on B meson decays show persistent discrepancies with respect to Standard Model expectations. Discrepancies are observed in branching ratios, angular distributions, and lepton flavor universality ratios. I will review the status of the discrepancies, discuss possible new physics explanations, and outline how a high-energy muon collider could test...
We study the CP-violating top Yukawa coupling at a future muon collider with energies of 1, 3, 10, and 30 TeV. The processes under consideration are $t\bar th$ , $t\bar th\nu\bar\nu$, and $tbh\nu\mu$. As we will show, at different energies the different processes dominate. Additionally, each process has a different dependence on the CP-violating top Yukawa. We will project 2$\sigma$...
Searching for new sources of CPV and uncovering the mechanism behind EWSB are cornerstones of the LHC program and forthcoming experiments, such as FCC and LISA. First, we show how collider measurements and observations of stochastic gravitational-wave signals can complement each other to explore the multiform scalar potential in the 2HDM. The well-motivated 2HDM leads to a rich phase...