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1–7 Aug 2022
Charles University
Europe/Prague timezone
Charles University
building Impakt V Holesovickach 2 Prague
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In association with Amplitudes 2022, we are hosting a summer school for interested students on related topics. It is not compulsory to register for both events, though we encourage students to do so. The school takes place a week before the conference, with suggested arrival on Monday, August 1, the lectures starting on Tuesday till Saturday with Sunday as a free or departure day. There is no registration fee for the school, but participants will have to arrange their travel expenses, accommodation, and per diem. We will make a reservation for several rooms in the nearby student hostel. More information soon.

Confirmed list of speakers & topics:

  • Jaroslav Trnka (UC Davis): Introduction to amplitudes I (spinor-helicity, factorizations, generalized unitarity) 
  • Shruti Paranjape (UC Davis): Introduction to amplitudes II (BCFW recursion, soft theorems, CHY formalism)
  • Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS Princeton): Positive geometry, Amplituhedron, Associahedron, Surfacehedra
  • Zvi Bern (UCLA): Gravity amplitudes, application of amplitudes methods to gravitational waves
  • Jacob Bourjaily (Penn State University): Positive Grassmannian, on-shell diagrams
  • Lance J. Dixon (SLAC): Symbols and polylogarithms, hexagon bootstrap
  • Johannes Henn (Max-Planck-Institut Munich): Loop integration methods, differential equations
  • Henrik Johansson (Uppsala University): Color-kinematics duality, KLT and double-copy

Updated 25/7: only one week to the start of school. The list of participants was made public. Please check your name and the list of speakers at the gong show.

For more information, please contact Karol Kampf (email:


Local Organizers

Karol Kampf (Charles University), Jaroslav Trnka (UC Davis)
Christoph Bartsch, Jiří Novotný, Petr Vaško (Charles University Prague)
Klaus Bering, Michal Pazderka (Masaryk University Brno)
Will Emond, Renann Lipinski Jusinskas, Martin Schnabl, Constantinos Skordis (CEICO, Institute of Physics), Taro Brown (UC Davis)



This conference receives funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme  (Novel structures in scattering amplitudes, grant agreement No 725110). We also acknowledge the support of Charles University, the Czech Science Foundation, the Czech Ministry of Education, the Czech Academy of Sciences and Masaryk University.