MiniWorkshop: parametric uncertainties: α_s

Adrian Irles (IFIC CSIC/UV), Andreas Meyer (DESY (DE)), Ayres Freitas, Paolo Azzurri (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT))

The subgroup WG1-PREC “Precision in theory and experiment” is one of the five subgroups of the ECFA Higgs Factory working group WG1 on physics potential. The subgroup addresses very high-precision observables at future e+e- colliders.

This meeting is one of the two small kick-off mini-workshop meetings taking place this week. The other one, “Parametric uncertainties at future ee colliders: α_s”, took place on Tuesday 3-5:30pm CET. The agenda is here:

Please subscribe to the ECFA-WHF-WG1-PREC mailing list here:

The subgroup conveners are available by email at

Zoom Meeting ID
Paolo Azzurri
Alternative hosts
Andreas Meyer, Adrian Irles
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL