Apr 20 – 22, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

The European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) has initiated a series of workshops towards a future electron-positron Higgs/EW/Top factory. The “Working Group 1: Physics Potential” (WG1) is one of the working groups in this endeavor.  

The Higgs/Top/EW working group aims to further develop the ongoing investigations into the physics potential provided by a future e+e- collider within WG1.  A particular focus will be on the possibility for (HL-)LHC measurements to enhance the results of such a collider. 

This kick-off meeting will review existing results, in particular recent results from the Snowmass exercise, and identify topics for further investigation. This first workshop will be a start of this community effort, assess where we stand, and plan for the future. We foresee several invited speakers but would like to also include a component of contributed talks. For this purpose, please submit a short title and abstract via the indico abstract submission feature no later than March 18th 2022.

We hope to have a strong in-person component at CERN if the rules and regulations allow for it. However, we will also have a full zoom setup for remote participation. A decision on the in-person component will be made by the end of March.

General information on the Higgs/Top/Electroweak (HTE) group will appear on this twiki: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ECFA/ECFAHiggsFactoryWG1HTE

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
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