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29 November 2022 to 2 December 2022
ETSI Seville
Europe/Zurich timezone

TCT Study on the effect of epitaxial graphene contacts in SiC detectors

30 Nov 2022, 09:00
Salón de Grados, 2nd Floor (ETSI Seville)

Salón de Grados, 2nd Floor

ETSI Seville

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n 41092 Isla de la Cartuja, Sevilla Spain


Ivan Lopez Paz (The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) (ES))


Silicon Carbide has interesting properties for high temperature, high radiation environment and timing radiation detector applications due to its thermal conductivity (3.7 W/(cm.°C)), atomic displacement threshold (22-35 eV) and high saturation velocity (2.2e7 cm/s). Silicon Carbide detector diodes have been fabricated in IMB-CNM with epitaxially-grown graphene onto Silicon Carbide (EG-SiC) as interface between the implant and the readout electrode, useful for e.g. heavy ion detection by removing metallisation in the active area. In this contribution, the effect of EG in a SiC PiN diode is studied as compared to a SiC sample without graphene by means of the Transient Current Technique.


Gemma Rius Dr Giulio Pellegrini (Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (IMB-CNM-CSIC) (ES)) Ivan Lopez Paz (The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) (ES)) Dr Joan Marc Rafí (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (ES))

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