In this talk we will present the impact of training of two early career researchers from University of Montenegro. The training was organized during summer 2022 and lasts 4 weeks: one week at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana as part of scientific collaboration between two RD50 member teams (from Slovenia and Montenegro), and 3 weeks at the EU laser infrastructure ELI Beamlines as part of the accepted project at the ELI Beamlines user call. Additionally, during stay in Ljubljana, young researchers also visited Reactor Center at the JSI and joined training course specially organized for them. This was possible with help of Montenegro's scientific diasporas at JSI. Another opportunity was born during stay in Prague: young researchers took part in wire bonding and in VI measurements using probe station at the Institute of Physics at the Czech Academy of Science. The later was organized with help of Czech RD50 team.
Beside training in instrumentation on Detector R&D (TCT technique (both fs-laser SPA and TPA-SPA; work with wire-bonding and with probe station). young researchers took active participation in the measurements of IP distance and in investigation of surface structures in LGADs with different designs (standard segmented and trench isolated LGADs).
Experience and impact will be summarized and shared with other members of RD50 collaboration.