Here we present new insights into the effects of LGAD gain suppression obtained using Ion Beam Induced Charge (IBIC) technique with the ion microprobe setup at the Ruđer Bošković Institute. This experimental setup allows us to investigate properties of the signal induced by single ions in the MeV energy range, and thus probe charge transport in the detector at spatial and temporal scales...
Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) represent a remarkable advance in high energy particle detection, since they provide a moderate increase (gain ~10) of the collected charge, thus leading to a notable improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio, which largely extends the possible application of Silicon detectors beyond their present working field. The optimum detection performance requires a...
We present results of a systematic characterization of the novel Trench-Isolated LGAD (TI-LGAD) technology using a radioactive beta source setup as well as a test beam. New results from a TCT setup are presented and compared with previous ones. The devices under study belong to the first production of pixelated TI-LGADs at FBK carried out in the framework of the RD50 collaboration. The TI-LGAD...
We will present an update of the latest AC-LGAD run at CNM. Showing the electrical characteristics of the devices and charge collection studies using the TCT.
Exploiting their excellent timing resolution, Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) were chosen for next-generation timing detectors at the HL-LHC and other high-energy experiments. When in operation, the detectors will be exposed to high rates of radiation, hence their radiation hardness is one of the key factors to be optimised during detector development. In this talk, we will present...
In the last few years, Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) have demonstrated their outstanding performance when detecting high-energy charged particles. However, the very nature of electrons and holes under avalanche multiplication highlights that this good performance is diminished when they are to detect low penetrating particles (e.g. low-energy protons or soft x-rays). A novel design of an...
We present the results of the Radiation Tolerance Study (Electrical and Radioactive Source characterization) performed at the IFCA on Carbonated-Enriched Gain-Layer and Standar Gain-Layer small sensors (single diode) from the Run #15246 production of CNM-IMB.
In order to understand better the performance of LGADs, in particular in terms of gain and breakdown voltage, it is important to know with high precision the structure of the devices and have a very accurate impact ionization model. There are several impact ionization models in the literature and many studies have been done in this respect, but no one is able to fit the empirical data taken in...
A set of unirradiated LGADs from the HPK prototype 2 run for HGTD were used to determine the impact ionization parameters for silicon, particularly in the electric field range of ∼30 V/μm which is of interest for LGADs. The parameters' dependence on temperature was determined. Their validity on irradiated sensors up to 2.5E15 cm$^{-2}$ was also tested.
The IHEP-IME version 2 and 3 sensors with shallow carbon were irradiated up to 2 MGy by Co60 gamma ray. The performance of the IHEP-IME v2 W7 with carbon worked well after irradiation which satisfied the requirements of the HGTD. The effect of different gaps on radiation hardness were also studied. The leakage current, inter-pad resistance and capacitance were tested before and after irradiation.
Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) are silicon detectors with modest internal gain (up to ~50) that allows the sensor to be very thin (20-50 um). LGADs are characterized by an extremely good time resolution (down to 17ps), a fast rise time (~500ps) and a very high repetition rate (~1ns full charge collection). In a broad array of fields, including particle physics (4-D tracking) and photon...
In recent years, AC-coupled Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (AC-LGAD) proved to be excellent candidates for the construction of a true 4D detector: thanks to their signal sharing capabilities, AC-LGADs can achieve a space resolution better than (pitch)/√12 and a time resolution better than 30 ps in a single sensing element. Such performance, confirmed during data-taking campaigns at test beams,...
Due to 3D microscopic resolution of Two Phpoton Absorption - TCT technique this method is often favorized in study of the surface structures of LGAD and in study of charge transport because it generates charge in very small macroscopic volume. However, excellent optics of TCT-SPA set up at the ELI Beamlines and excellent focus of beam, makes SPA method also as a very powerful tool for...
In this talk we present the results from our study where different regions of segmented LGAD are illuminated with femtosecond laser from ELI Beamlines: pad, interpad and ring. To ensure the different initial conditions in regard to charge density (initially generated), the laser power has been varied. The signal shape from pad was compared to the signal shape from interpad (gain to gain...
In this presentation we will show the results from our IP study on trenched LGDAs, so called TI-LGAD using Two-Photon Absorption - TCT technique. The study has been performed at ELI Beamlines.
We recently received 2 housings with W11-A1 and W11-A2 sensors from JSI. and two sensors have been tested. Systematic and comprehensive study is accomplished with many control plots. Due to short...
The upgrade of the current Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) will increase the luminosity of the LHC by a factor of 10. Therefore, fast timing detectors with high radiation tolerance are required. Low gain avalanche detectors (LGADs) are promising candidates with timing resolutions within tens of picoseconds. Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. (HPK) and...