CBG Coordination Team meeting



RTU Center of High Energy Physics and Accelerator TechnologiesContact
  • Aleksejs Klokovs
  • Andris Ratkus
  • Aurelijus Rinkevicius
  • Brigita Abakevičienė
  • Elona Juozaityte
  • Guntis Springis
  • Irina Marinina
  • Jevgenijs Proskurins
  • Karlis Dreimanis
  • Kristaps Palskis
  • Lauma Muizniece
  • Marcis Auzinsh
  • Robert Aare
  • Toms Torims
  • Uldis Valainis
Zoom Meeting ID
Toms Torims
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
    • 1
      Brief update on the recent CBG activities
      • engagement with CERN Council and Baltic delegates
      • update on Advanced Particle (Cancer) Therapy Center in Baltic States
      • liaison with CERN Science Gateway
      • feedback from the BA visit to CERN and collaboration with Baltic Missions to UN Geneva
      • feedback from the meeting with COREPER I Baltic Ambassadors in Brussels
      • next TIARA Committee - 29 March @ CERN
      • next CBG General meeting - 12 April @ CERN
      Speaker: Prof. Toms Torims (Riga Technical University (LV))
    • 2
      Organisational aspects of the upcoming CBG School in Estonia and establishing the Scientific Committee of that event

      Up to now, I have received replies from 5 members of the CBG group

      NICBP - Kristjan Kannike
      RTU - Toms Torims + Irina Mariņina
      KTU - Brigita Abakevičienė
      UT - Laur Järv + Stefan Groote
      VU - Aurelijus Rinkevicius

      confirming their interest, their logo,
      and their tentative agreement to cover the students´ share for the upcoming SummerSchool of 2022.

      I have still yet to receive any reply from UL, RSU or VMU.
      I still need a solid contact person from their side as well.
      (Perhaps I have the wrong emails?)

      Please find a draft of the summer school poster attached.
      You are welcome to send comments to improve the design or dispute the content.
      The website is not yet finalized nor open to the public.
      The poster includes lecturers who have agreed to attend.

      As mentioned in the below earlier correspondence,
      the cost of the transport of lecturers, the catering, and the smaller trivia costs
      will likely be shared between
      TalTech (Faculty of Engineering, contact Dean F.Sergejev) and
      UT (matter.ee, contact Prof. V.Zadin),
      unless there are other proposals.

      Some open questions:
      - Proposals for the deadline for student sign-up?
      - UL, RSU or VMU logos, contact person, and the possibility to finance their students?
      - Proposal is still open for joining in for further managing of the schedule and more content flow of the lectures.

      Speaker: Mr Erki Karber (Tallin University of Technology)
    • 3
      Organisational aspects of the CBG Conference in Lithuania
      Speakers: Dr Aurelijus Rinkevicius (Vilnius University (LT)), Dr Brigita Abakeviciene
    • 4
      Update on the preparations for the CERN Road Show in Baltics – April 22
      Speakers: Mr Adomas Jelinskas, Ms Lauma Muizniece, Mr Robert Aare
    • 5
      Ideas for the joint Tier2 computing project
      Speaker: Prof. Toms Torims (Riga Technical University (LV))
    • 6
      Presentations of the applicants to the CBG

      -Lithuanian Energy Institute - Laboratory of Nuclear Installation Safety
      - Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
      - Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, Latvia
      - Daugavpils University, Latvia