4–5 Apr 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

The International Particle Physics Masterclasses is Serbia are organized by Universities of Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš and Kragujevac, in collaboration with the International Particle Physics Outreach Group, and will be held on

  • Monday, April 4th (Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Belgrade, Niš)

The aim of the Masterclasses is to introduce an exciting and rapidly developing scientific field dealing with some of the fundamental secrets of the nature to the 4th year high school students. The lectures given by active researchers and professors will bring insight into topics and methods of basic research of matter, particles and forces acting between them, thus enabling students to perform exercises with the real data from particle physics experiments performed at CERN, Geneva.

During the same day, students will be able to get a feeling of the university life and to experience at first hand some of research being performed at Serbian scientific institutions: "Vinča" Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Faculty of Physics and Institute of Physics in Belgrade, Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics in Niš, and Faculty of Sciences Kragujevac. At the end of the programme, students will also have an opportunity to take part in the videoconference and discuss results with other students and scientists across the world. This videconference will be mediated by scientists in CERN, Geneva. 

Due to the COVID-91 pandemic, Masterclasses programme in 2022 will be organised virtually using the Zoom platform (both for lectures and for hands-on exercises) and virtual room can be accessed via this link: Virtual Room "MC Serbia"

Registration for this event is open until noon on April 3 !
