One part of the organizers of the Masterclasses in Belgrade is located at the following address: |
Another part of the organizers of the Masterclasses in Novi Sad is located at the following address: Department for Physics University of Novi Sad Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3 21000 Novi Sad, Srbija Tel. +381 21 455 630 In case you have any questions or suggestions to the organisers of the Masterclasses in Novi Sad, please feel free to contact us at that address above. |
One part of the organizers of the Masterclasses in Nis is located at the following address: Departman za Fiziku Prirodno-matematički fakultet Višegradska 33 18000 Niš, Srbija Tel. +381 18 223 430 In case you have any questions or suggestions to the organisers of the Masterclasses in Nis, please feel free to contact us at that address above. |
One part of the organizers of the Masterclasses in Kragujevac is located at the following address: |
You can also always contact us via email using the following address: Masterclasses in Serbia - Contact