Jun 14 – 18, 2022
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Europe/Tirane timezone

Data Science, Particle and Astroparticle Physics School in Tirana 2022

The fourth edition of the school for data science, particle, astroparticle and medical physics is designed to help students from secondary school, physicists and engineers from particle, astroparticle and medical physics communities to participate in significant ways in scientific activities and any data analysis. This year the school includes divulagative sessions and also a session devoted to Data Science.  Public data collected by the CMS and the Fermi experiments are processed and analyzed with standard software tools. The school include lectures and hands-on tutorials on selected topics.

Applications are welcome from students worldwide with preference given those from the region. Application deadline is June 3 2022. Please submit to the organizers in one page your CV and letter of motivation.

Faculty of Natural Sciences
103 B
Bvd Zog I Tirane