10–12 Oct 2022
National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences
Europe/Vilnius timezone

Higgs pair production at CMS

Not scheduled
A101 (National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences)


National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences

National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences Saulėtekio al. 3, Vilnius LT-10257, Lithuania


Alexandra Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira (Vilnius University (LT))


One of the most important parts of the physics programs for the future of the LHC is the investigation of the Higgs boson interactions. The Higgs boson potential, in particular its trilinear self-interaction, can be directly probed by looking at the Higgs boson pair production. In this presentation I will detail the searches for Higgs pairs and their combination, done by the CMS collaboration using run 2 data.


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