10–12 Oct 2022
National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences
Europe/Vilnius timezone


The 2nd CERN Baltic Conference (CBC 2022) to be held in National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences in Vilnius, Lithuania. It is an annual conference organised by the CERN Baltic Group (CBG), where location is rotated within CBG member countries and hosting institutions.

Goals and Objectives

In the spirit of CBG principles (transparency, honesty, sharing and collaboration), the Conference has set the following objectives:

  • Connect and build CERN (and beyond) community in the Baltic states.
  • Induce collaboration(s) by sharing who is doing what? What are the interests, topics, competences, aspirations?
  • Provide multidisciplinary networking platform, where individual researchers, scientific groups and companies from the Baltic states can find synergies and opportunities for collaboration.
  • Inform and engage stakeholders and industries across the Baltic states.

The Conference aims to gather the Baltic scientists and research institutions, and to help organizing activities towards the long-term mission, such as that of CERN and related collaborations/experiments.

The Scope and Topics

The scientific and technical CERN Baltic Conference covers the full spectrum of CERN and related activities (e.g. research, engineering, computing, industrial, and policy). 

Topics are related, but not limited to: Accelerator, Detector and other Advanced Technologies, High Energy Physics, Data Science and Computing, Nuclear Medicine. From physics to engineering, from fundamental science to industry. Topics will be logically linked to the CBG activities within the CERN collaborations, experiments and studies: such as CMS, CLIC, FCC, MEDICIS, AEGIS, CLOUD, and others.

Target Audience and Participants

CERN-related researchers, engineers, students (of all levels), and industrial representatives (incl. CERN Industrial Liaison Officers of EE, LT, and LV) as well as stakeholders of the Baltic states.  

Expert speakers form CERN and CBG Member institutions will be invited to participate and to contribute to the each of the topics.

National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences
National Centre of Physical and Technological Sciences Saulėtekio al. 3, Vilnius LT-10257, Lithuania
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In order to register for the conference, you have to log in to the CERN Indico system by clicking on "Registration" or "Submit abstract" on the left side menu. You will then be directed to the login page. There are four options to log in:

  • If you have already a CERN account, you can use it.
  • If your home organization participates in the eduGAIN network (there are already 400+ universities and instututions who do), you can sign in with your organization or institution account, after you selected your organization in the eduGAIN dialog box.
  • If you have a public service account such as Facebook, Google, Windows Live or Yahoo, you can use that account to log in.
  • If none of the above works (and only then), you can create a Lightweight CERN account on the CERN Account Management page. Be sure to remember the username and password, since you will need that account to submit any abstract, slides or proceedings.

If you somehow have trouble to create a CERN lightweight account or using your public service account for Indico access, please restart your browser. If that does not help, try to delete cookies, then empty the browser cache.